Session Title |
Session Number |
Black Church Leaders' Views on Mental Illness: Social Determinants of Health Applied |
6 |
Surviving or Thriving? Vicarious Trauma, Burnout, and Retention in Child Welfare |
8 |
Approaches to End Homelessness: Effective Collaborative Practice, In the Classroom & Community |
9 |
Teaching Macro: A New Curriculum Guide on Community, Organizational and Policy Practice |
10 |
A Seat at the Table: Centering Black Motherhood |
12 |
Approaching EBP Process with Confidence and Critical Consciousness: Teaching Strategies and Tools |
14 |
Establishing the value of field education: Quantification and implications |
15 |
Transgender/Gender Nonconforming Students in the Field: Experiences and Best Path Strategies |
16 |
Informing Social Work Curriculum: Voices from Indigenous Social Workers |
17 |
Integrating Content on Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) into Social Work Education |
21 |
Addressing Social Justice and Patient Care through Interprofessional Education Training Models |
25 |
Social Work, Social Justice, and the Arts: Interprofessional Collaboration Across Multiple Domains |
26 |
Recognizing the Needs of Veterans: VA, University, and Community Partnerships |
28 |
Creating Community and Developing Student Anti-Racist Leadership Through the Implicit Curriculum |
30 |
"Ouch Moments" and Other Dilemmas: A Workshop for Early-Career Educators of Color |
31 |
Teaching Self-Care Through Emotional Competence and Mindfulness Practice |
32 |
Let’s Be Honest: The Academic Integrity of Online Classrooms is Under Assault |
34 |
Negotiating and Navigating Competing Values in Interprofessional Social Work Practice |
35 |
#ReclaimingMyTime: The National Association of Black Social Workers at 50 |
50 |
Exploring the Link Between Black Identity and Mental Health |
53 |
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in Interprofessional Teams |
62 |
Discovering Cultural Bias: An Innovative Methodology for Understanding What Students Really Believe |
66 |
Growing Together as Allies: Expanding the Circle |
67 |
Field Unit Implementation: Preparing Students for Collaborative Practice Focused on Social Justice |
72 |
Creating Opportunities for Interprofessional Collaboration towards Social Justice: An Intentional Agenda |
73 |
Building Competence in Social Work With Groups Through Case-Based, Multimedia Platforms |
76 |
Seven Week Group Building Exercise for Refugee Women Who Are Trauma Survivors |
77 |
A Social Justice Movement in Physical and Mental Health Care: Community Acupuncture |
79 |
Applying a Rights-Based Approach to Short-Term Study Abroad and Service Learning Trips |
84 |
An Interprofessional Coalition in the Defense of Human Rights |
86 |
Considerations When Submitting Journal Manuscripts Examining Interprofessional Education |
87 |
Preparing Students for Ethical Practice in Interprofessional Policy Settings |
95 |
Addressing Clinical and Structural Racism through the Framework of Freddie Gray |
99 |
Teaching Social Work Students to Think Like Researchers: Pedagogical Theory and Techniques |
100 |
Codeswitching: Teaching Social Workers to Write Proficiently for Academic and Interprofessional Contexts |
102 |
Retention in Hybrid MSW Programs: Lessons Learned |
104 |
Teaching Ethics: Promoting Moral Courage Through a Common Moral Framework |
106 |
Facilitating Student Learning Through Interprofessional Collaborations Related to Promoting Youth Development |
114 |
Gatekeeping in BSW Programs: Why Should We Care? |
115 |
Adapting Solution Focused Brief Therapy Techniques to Manage an Interprofessional Workforce |
120 |
Creating Conversational Communities: Building Self-Awareness, Changing Norms About White Power and Privilege |
124 |
Tool Development for Evaluating Interprofessional Student' Competence Performing a Brief Negotiated Interview |
127 |
Building Support in Social Work Education to Reduce Imposter Syndrome |
131 |
From Communication to Collaboration: The Evolution of an Interprofessional Education Initiative |
136 |
The Role of Advising in Interprofessional Education: A Proactive Approach |
138 |
Rural Social Work Field Education and IPE to Address Sustainability |
147 |
Addressing the Impact of Student Academic Entitlement |
153 |
Strategies for Building Community Among Faculty on Virtual and Ground Campuses |
159 |
Leveraging Community Partnerships to Create Sustainable Interprofessional Child Welfare Education |
161 |
Cultural Humility: Applying Virtue Ethics and Confucian Ethics in Social Work Education |
163 |
Creating an Advanced Interprofessional SBIRT Certificate Program: Bridging Classroom and Community Needs |
169 |
Building Workforce Adoption Competency Through Online Training: A Child Welfare Pilot |
173 |
Faculty Institute for Community Engagement: Expanding Interprofessional Collaboration to Pursue Social Justice |
179 |
Power, Race, Oppression, and Privilege: Teaching Practice Skills for Interprofessional Settings |
183 |
Bending the Arc Toward Justice by Leading Interprofessional Teams With Social Work |
187 |
Expanding Interprofessional Perspectives: Infusing Social Work Across Campuses to Achieve Social Justice |
188 |
Medication Adherence With Latino Populations: Training Social Work Students for Multidisciplinary Work |
196 |
Designing Community Practice Simulations for Effective Interprofessional Collaborations |
201 |
The Winding Road: A Continuum of Social Work and Interprofessional Learning Opportunities |
204 |
Los Mayores: Preparing Social Workers to Serve Elders of Mexican Origin |
205 |
Dynamic Program Evaluation: The Performance Improvement Center Model in Child Welfare |
212 |
Using Applied Cross-Cultural Data Analysis to Achieve Social Justice |
213 |
Studying Hull House as Interprofessional Collaborative Practice |
218 |
How Do We Know What’s True? Exploring Political Communications in Policy Classes |
219 |
Advancing Simulation-Based Research in Teaching, Assessment, and Practice: A Social Work Agenda |
220 |
Social Workers Online Supporting Social Workers: A New Rules Audit |
224 |
Mentoring Chinese Doctoral Students for Teaching and Researching Social Justice Issues |
232 |
Postsecondary Success for Foster and Homeless Youths: A University Campus Initiative |
235 |
Teaching Social Justice: Roadblocks and Strategies From Classroom to Practice |
241 |
Connecting Theory to the Implicit Curriculum: A Student-Centered and Relational Approach |
244 |
Building Community-Based Field Practicum Units Supported by Anchor Institutions for Interprofessional Learning |
248 |
Innovative Field Placement Develops Students’ Competence in Social Justice Oriented Interprofessional Practice |
250 |
Modeling Women’s Reproductive Health of Women in Appalachian Region: A Sustainability Perspective |
255 |
Breaking Down Silos: Transformational Leadership in Interprofessional Education |
256 |
Climate Change, Ecological Degradation, and Environmental Migration |
258 |
Engaging Social Work to Defend the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program |
259 |
Across Two Continents: A Collaboration Between Two Social Work Programs |
260 |
Developing Theory for Interprofessional and Collaborative Practice Using Grounded Theory |
264 |
Using Student Senior Partnerships to Expand Interprofessional Education and Reduce Health Disparities |
267 |
Student-led Research Toward a Community-Informed Social Work Curriculum |
275 |
Rural Behavioral Health Treatment Access Disparities: Applying Grand Challenges for Social Work |
276 |
Campus Free Speech Debates: Implications for Social Work Education |
279 |
Evaluating Client Technology Use: Social Work’s Role in Assessment and Interprofessional Teams |
283 |
Using Mobile Apps to Discuss the Public's Perception of Social Work |
284 |
Voices for 2020: Ending Family Homelessness through University-Community Collaboration |
287 |
NASW Code of Ethics Revised: What Educators and Students Need to Know |
288 |
(Re)imagining Wellbeing: Black Youths Transforming Trauma Through Transforming Social Injustice |
294 |
Interprofessional Collaboration for Educational Justice in Black Youths From a Gardner’s Perspective |
295 |
Teaching Professional Resilience in Undergraduate Social Work Education |
298 |
Longitudinal Examinations of Salary Discrepancies in Public Child Welfare From Interprofessional Sources |
301 |
Developing a Civic Engagement Mobile App Through a Social Work/Information Technology Collaboration |
305 |
Innovative Methods to Prepare Future Social Work Leaders and Managers |
306 |
Interprofessional Education and Inclusion in a Federally Funded Grant Focused on Disability |
310 |
Behavioral Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Curriculum Initiatives: Faculty Experiences |
314 |
Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design in Computer-Assisted Field Orientation Step 2 |
317 |
Interns, Researchers, Educators, Information, and Technology Programmers: Building an Internship Infrastructure |
318 |
Establishing Collaborative Educational Experiences: Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Sustainable Interprofessional Models |
331 |
Exploring Interprofessional Field Placements in an Online University |
332 |
Educating MSW Students in Social Justice using Mindfulness: Spirituality and Contemplative Pedagogy |
345 |
Creating Accessible Social Work Classes Using Universal Design of Learning |
346 |
Visual Literacy as a Tool for Critical Thinking, Teaching, and Learning |
348 |
An Inteprofessional Model for Graduate Education on Intimate Partner Violence |
349 |
Providing Supervision for Health Professional Students implementing SBIRT Interprofessionally |
354 |
Using Multiple Professional Perspectives to Conduct a Racial Equity Curriculum Review |
357 |
Interprofessional Lenses Magnify Structural Oppressive Forces: Creating Change Through an Innovative Fellowship |
363 |
Building Skills to Integrate Disability-Competent Practice in the Social Work Curriculum |
364 |
Assessment Matters: Disseminating and Using Outcome Data for Continuous Program Iimprovement |
365 |
I'm not Working With “Them”: Upholding Social Justice in Field Practicum |
366 |
Hip Hop Therapy: A Tool to Address Substance Use Among Black Youths |
367 |
First, Do No Harm; Second, Be the Change: Ethical Study Abroad |
370 |
Whole Person Librarianship: A Collaborative Model of Social Work and Librarianship |
372 |
Mentoring Connections: Effective Alumni-Student Mentorship |
376 |
Integrating Financial Capability Services Into Social Work Practices and Education |
377 |
Using Theatre of the Oppressed to Moderate Oppression in the Classroom |
378 |
Fork in the Road: Innovative Case Study Narratives in Social Work Education |
381 |
Smile and Say “Social Work”: Photographic Methods in Practice, Teaching, and Research |
382 |
Using an Interprofessional Perspective for NASW’s Technology Standard for Social Work Education |
384 |
Social Work Ethics Consultation: Empowering Our Professional Colleagues |
385 |
Gatekeeping: Nonacademic Issues in BSW Programs |
398 |
An Interprofessional Approach to Addressing ACEs and Attachment in Social Work Education |
400 |
Trauma Focused Mindfulness Workshop |
403 |
Finding Relief in Action: Youth-Led Community Organizing and Mental Health |