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To receive a certificate for CE sessions you attended at the APM, you must provide a completed evaluation form for each session. Your attendance at each session will be verified after receipt of your evaluation forms. Please follow the steps below to submit your completed evaluation forms. If you need assistance, e-mail
  1. Download and complete an evaluation form for each session you attended. Forms are linked at the bottom of this page and are ordered numerically.
  2. Upload your completed evaluations (Submission period is closed), and fill out the required fields with your name and contact information. To expedite processing of your certificate, please upload all evaluations in one file rather than individually.
  3. Forms must be submitted no later than January 31, 2019. We cannot guarantee processing of any evaluations submitted after this date.
Session Title Session Number
Black Church Leaders' Views on Mental Illness: Social Determinants of Health Applied 6
Surviving or Thriving? Vicarious Trauma, Burnout, and Retention in Child Welfare 8
Approaches to End Homelessness: Effective Collaborative Practice, In the Classroom & Community 9
Teaching Macro: A New Curriculum Guide on Community, Organizational and Policy Practice 10
A Seat at the Table: Centering Black Motherhood 12
Approaching EBP Process with Confidence and Critical Consciousness: Teaching Strategies and Tools 14
Establishing the value of field education: Quantification and implications 15
Transgender/Gender Nonconforming Students in the Field: Experiences and Best Path Strategies 16
Informing Social Work Curriculum: Voices from Indigenous Social Workers 17
Integrating Content on Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) into Social Work Education 21
Addressing Social Justice and Patient Care through Interprofessional Education Training Models 25
Social Work, Social Justice, and the Arts: Interprofessional Collaboration Across Multiple Domains 26
Recognizing the Needs of Veterans: VA, University, and Community Partnerships 28
Creating Community and Developing Student Anti-Racist Leadership Through the Implicit Curriculum 30
"Ouch Moments" and Other Dilemmas: A Workshop for Early-Career Educators of Color 31
Teaching Self-Care Through Emotional Competence and Mindfulness Practice 32
Let’s Be Honest: The Academic Integrity of Online Classrooms is Under Assault 34
Negotiating and Navigating Competing Values in Interprofessional Social Work Practice 35
#ReclaimingMyTime: The National Association of Black Social Workers at 50 50
Exploring the Link Between Black Identity and Mental Health 53
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in Interprofessional Teams 62
Discovering Cultural Bias: An Innovative Methodology for Understanding What Students Really Believe 66
Growing Together as Allies: Expanding the Circle 67
Field Unit Implementation: Preparing Students for Collaborative Practice Focused on Social Justice 72
Creating Opportunities for Interprofessional Collaboration towards Social Justice: An Intentional Agenda 73
Building Competence in Social Work With Groups Through Case-Based, Multimedia Platforms 76
Seven Week Group Building Exercise for Refugee Women Who Are Trauma Survivors 77
A Social Justice Movement in Physical and Mental Health Care: Community Acupuncture 79
Applying a Rights-Based Approach to Short-Term Study Abroad and Service Learning Trips 84
An Interprofessional Coalition in the Defense of Human Rights 86
Considerations When Submitting Journal Manuscripts Examining Interprofessional Education 87
Preparing Students for Ethical Practice in Interprofessional Policy Settings 95
Addressing Clinical and Structural Racism through the Framework of Freddie Gray 99
Teaching Social Work Students to Think Like Researchers: Pedagogical Theory and Techniques 100
Codeswitching: Teaching Social Workers to Write Proficiently for Academic and Interprofessional Contexts 102
Retention in Hybrid MSW Programs: Lessons Learned 104
Teaching Ethics: Promoting Moral Courage Through a Common Moral Framework  106
Facilitating Student Learning Through Interprofessional Collaborations Related to Promoting Youth Development 114
Gatekeeping in BSW Programs: Why Should We Care? 115
Adapting Solution Focused Brief Therapy Techniques to Manage an Interprofessional Workforce 120
Creating Conversational Communities: Building Self-Awareness, Changing Norms About White Power and Privilege 124
Tool Development for Evaluating Interprofessional Student' Competence Performing a Brief Negotiated Interview 127
Building Support in Social Work Education to Reduce Imposter Syndrome 131
From Communication to Collaboration: The Evolution of an Interprofessional Education Initiative 136
The Role of Advising in Interprofessional Education: A Proactive Approach 138
Rural Social Work Field Education and IPE to Address Sustainability 147
Addressing the Impact of Student Academic Entitlement 153
Strategies for Building Community Among Faculty on Virtual and Ground Campuses 159
Leveraging Community Partnerships to Create Sustainable Interprofessional Child Welfare Education 161
Cultural Humility: Applying Virtue Ethics and Confucian Ethics in Social Work Education 163
Creating an Advanced Interprofessional SBIRT Certificate Program: Bridging Classroom and Community Needs 169
Building Workforce Adoption Competency Through Online Training: A Child Welfare Pilot 173
Faculty Institute for Community Engagement: Expanding Interprofessional Collaboration to Pursue Social Justice 179
Power, Race, Oppression, and Privilege: Teaching Practice Skills for Interprofessional Settings 183
Bending the Arc Toward Justice by Leading Interprofessional Teams With Social Work 187
Expanding Interprofessional Perspectives: Infusing Social Work Across Campuses to Achieve Social Justice 188
Medication Adherence With Latino Populations: Training Social Work Students for Multidisciplinary Work 196
Designing Community Practice Simulations for Effective Interprofessional Collaborations  201
The Winding Road: A Continuum of Social Work and Interprofessional Learning Opportunities 204
Los Mayores: Preparing Social Workers to Serve Elders of Mexican Origin 205
Dynamic Program Evaluation: The Performance Improvement Center Model in Child Welfare 212
Using Applied Cross-Cultural Data Analysis to Achieve Social Justice 213
Studying Hull House as Interprofessional Collaborative Practice 218
How Do We Know What’s True? Exploring Political Communications in Policy Classes 219
Advancing Simulation-Based Research in Teaching, Assessment, and Practice: A Social Work Agenda 220
Social Workers Online Supporting Social Workers: A New Rules Audit 224
Mentoring Chinese Doctoral Students for Teaching and Researching Social Justice Issues 232
Postsecondary Success for Foster and Homeless Youths: A University Campus Initiative 235
Teaching Social Justice: Roadblocks and Strategies From Classroom to Practice 241
Connecting Theory to the Implicit Curriculum: A Student-Centered and Relational Approach 244
Building Community-Based Field Practicum Units Supported by Anchor Institutions for Interprofessional Learning  248
Innovative Field Placement Develops Students’ Competence in Social Justice Oriented Interprofessional Practice 250
Modeling Women’s Reproductive Health of Women in Appalachian Region: A Sustainability Perspective 255
Breaking Down Silos: Transformational Leadership in Interprofessional Education 256
Climate Change, Ecological Degradation, and Environmental Migration 258
Engaging Social Work to Defend the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program 259
Across Two Continents: A Collaboration Between Two Social Work Programs 260
Developing Theory for Interprofessional and Collaborative Practice Using Grounded Theory 264
Using Student Senior Partnerships to Expand Interprofessional Education and Reduce Health Disparities 267
Student-led Research Toward a Community-Informed Social Work Curriculum 275
Rural Behavioral Health Treatment Access Disparities: Applying Grand Challenges for Social Work 276
Campus Free Speech Debates: Implications for Social Work Education 279
Evaluating Client Technology Use: Social Work’s Role in Assessment and Interprofessional Teams 283
Using Mobile Apps to Discuss the Public's Perception of Social Work 284
Voices for 2020: Ending Family Homelessness through University-Community Collaboration 287
NASW Code of Ethics Revised: What Educators and Students Need to Know 288
(Re)imagining Wellbeing: Black Youths Transforming Trauma Through Transforming Social Injustice 294
Interprofessional Collaboration for Educational Justice in Black Youths From a Gardner’s Perspective 295
Teaching Professional Resilience in Undergraduate Social Work Education 298
Longitudinal Examinations of Salary Discrepancies in Public Child Welfare From Interprofessional Sources 301
Developing a Civic Engagement Mobile App Through a Social Work/Information Technology Collaboration 305
Innovative Methods to Prepare Future Social Work Leaders and Managers 306
Interprofessional Education and Inclusion in a Federally Funded Grant Focused on Disability 310
Behavioral Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Curriculum Initiatives: Faculty Experiences 314
Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design in Computer-Assisted Field Orientation Step 2 317
Interns, Researchers, Educators, Information, and Technology Programmers: Building an Internship Infrastructure 318
Establishing Collaborative Educational Experiences: Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Sustainable Interprofessional Models 331
Exploring Interprofessional Field Placements in an Online University 332
Educating MSW Students in Social Justice using Mindfulness: Spirituality and Contemplative Pedagogy 345
Creating Accessible Social Work Classes Using Universal Design of Learning 346
Visual Literacy as a Tool for Critical Thinking, Teaching, and Learning 348
An Inteprofessional Model for Graduate Education on Intimate Partner Violence 349
Providing Supervision for Health Professional Students implementing SBIRT Interprofessionally 354
Using Multiple Professional Perspectives to Conduct a Racial Equity Curriculum Review 357
Interprofessional Lenses Magnify Structural Oppressive Forces: Creating Change Through an Innovative Fellowship 363
Building Skills to Integrate Disability-Competent Practice in the Social Work Curriculum 364
Assessment Matters: Disseminating and Using Outcome Data for Continuous Program Iimprovement 365
I'm not Working With “Them”: Upholding Social Justice in Field Practicum 366
Hip Hop Therapy: A Tool to Address Substance Use Among Black Youths 367
First, Do No Harm; Second, Be the Change: Ethical Study Abroad 370
Whole Person Librarianship: A Collaborative Model of Social Work and Librarianship 372
Mentoring Connections: Effective Alumni-Student Mentorship 376
Integrating Financial Capability Services Into Social Work Practices and Education 377
Using Theatre of the Oppressed to Moderate Oppression in the Classroom 378
Fork in the Road: Innovative Case Study Narratives in Social Work Education 381
Smile and Say “Social Work”: Photographic Methods in Practice, Teaching, and Research 382
Using an Interprofessional Perspective for NASW’s Technology Standard for Social Work Education 384
Social Work Ethics Consultation: Empowering Our Professional Colleagues 385
Gatekeeping: Nonacademic Issues in BSW Programs 398
An Interprofessional Approach to Addressing ACEs and Attachment in Social Work Education 400
Trauma Focused Mindfulness Workshop 403
Finding Relief in Action: Youth-Led Community Organizing and Mental Health

Session Title  Session Number
Social Workers Need to Spend More Time at their Public Libraries 406
Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work: Progress or Passing Fad? 414
Innovations in Field Instruction: A Trauma Informed Approach 415
Learning to Co-Facilitate a Psychoeducational Group for Families Using Simulation 419
Professional Wellness: Applying Racial Battle Fatigue to Social Work Education and Practice 421
Going Above and Beyond: The Departmental Response to Campus Crises Around Race 423
Language Interpretation for Micro and Macro Social Work Practice 424
Design Thinking as a Pathway for Interprofessional Education in Social Innovation 426
Healing Justice: Holistic Self-Care for Social Workers 427
Strategies to Deal with Barriers to Interprofessional Education 430
Curricular Approaches and Teaching Strategies for Financial Capability and Asset Building Content 438
Instructional Design BootCamp: Tools to Help Faculty Leverage their Content Expertise 446
Integration Versus Electives: Approaches to Technology Content in SW Curricula 447
Navigating Maslow's Pyramid to Select Ethical Courses of Action in Interprofessional Care 450
Teaching Students to Conduct an Addiction and Mental Health Assessment Using Simulation 458
Racial History Through Genogram as Mechanism for Justice Oriented Social Work Practice 459
Interprofessional Education for Social Work and Criminal Justice Students: Classes in Prisons 466
Conceptualization and Assessment of Holistic Competence: Using OSCEs to Expand Interprofessional Education 473
The Impact and Necessity of Interprofessional Collaboration: Racial Equity in Field Education 476
Collaborative Feedback: Closing the Loop 477
It’s All in the Relationship: How Evidence-Based Clinical Interventions Grow Tomorrow’s Leaders 478
Policy and Interprofessional Education: Expanding Field Education Experiences to Washington, DC 479
IPE and intercountry adoption (ICA): Best Practices, Current Challenges, and Future Directions 488
Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Rural Behavioral Health Through Interprofessional Collaboration 499
Financial Capability Interventions and Its Implications for Social Work Education 500
Social and Economic Justice: Tools for the Infusion in Practice 501
Integrating Theology and Social Work: Lessons From a Dual Degree Capstone Course 505
Integrating Military and Civilian Cultures in the MSW Classroom Through Interprofessional Approaches 507
Teaching Ethical Culturally Responsive Practice With Unauthorized Immigrants in an Unpredictable Sociopolitical Environment 509
Preparing Undergraduate Students for Geriatric Interprofessional Teams: What About Faculty Development? 518
Proposing and Integrating Interprofessional Education and Professional Collaboration Courses for BSW Programs 519
Resources to Support Interprofessional Education in Services for Children and Families 521
Social Justice Rapid Response: Engaging Students in Collaborative Social Action for Change 526
Cultivating Cultural Humility: Using the NCBI Diversity Training for Social Work Students 529
Demystifying the Process of Designing Simulations to Assess CSWE Competencies 534
Developing Rural Interprofessional Field Placements in Health, Law, and Schools 537
The Magic Mix: How IPE and Generational Differences are Mirrored in Field 540
Training Field Instructors: A Competency-Based Curriculum 541
Using Immersive Virtual Reality Technology in Teaching Gerontological Social Work 543
Group Work With Adolescents: Incorporating Mindfulness and Meditation Activities for Vulnerable Youths 545
Opportunities and Challenges of Conducting International Research by Faith-Based Social Services Organizations 555
Promoting Affirmative Transgender Health-Care Practice in Hospitals: An IPE Standardized Patient Simulation 560
Teaching Social Work Research Methods Using Team-Based Learning (TBL) and Community Engagement 563
Identifying and Releasing Power Blocks to Enacting Lived Social Justice 564
Framing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Where Communications Science and Policy Advocacy Intersect 567
Making the Truth Irresistible: Arts, Social Justice, and Social Work Education 571
Supporting Kinship Caregiver Well-Being Through Research, Community Partnership, and Social Work Education 577
Social Work and Entrepreneurship in South Africa and Ghana: African-American Student Experiences 583
Personality Adjustment Quadrants: Assessing Acculturation Stages Among Chinese Immigrants 584
IPE in Integrated Care: The Imperative for Including Social Justice Issues 589
Practice Strategies for Smart Decarceration in the Postincarceration Phase 591
Identity, Marginalization, Politics, and Social Work: Engaging Critical Analysis and Transformative Dialogue 596
Media Savvy Social Workers: Exploring the Role of Media in Disaster Situations 598
Assessing Holistic Competence in Brief Motivational Interventions Through Patient Simulation and Reflection 599
Partnering to Increase Equity: Field Practicum Accommodations for Students With Disabilities 602
The Be SMART Program: Educating Social Workers on Safe Gun Practices 608
Confronting Islamophobia Through Social Work Education 617
Educating Future Service Providers and Researchers With LGBTQ Youths Experiencing Homelessness 619
Financial Capability and Financial Well-Being: Theory, Policy, and Practice 626
Visualizing Justice: Using PhotoVoice to Teach Critical Thinking and Analysis 627
Doing Policy Practice Within an Ethic of Care Framework 629
HIV Stigma on Spirituality of Older Black MSM Living With HIV 632
Popular Culture as Metaphor: Teaching Social Justice and Intersectionality Through Harry Potter 634
Integrating the Field and Classroom in Distance Education: Bringing the Syllabus Alive 637
Dual Level IPE: Ethical Decision Making Model Incorporating Religion/Spirituality and Diversity 640
RPC+ Tips for Tuning In: Experiential Strategies for Trauma-Informed Providers and Caregivers 650
Incorporating Digital Organizing Tools Into the Macro Classroom: A Hands-on Approach 653
Intersectionality for Culturally Humble Social Work: Applications to the Academy 658.5
Working the Hyphen: Fostering Disciplinary Collaborations Across Social Work and Disability Studies 661
The Bifurcated Social Work Professorate: Exploring the Landscape From a Feminist Perspective 665
Preparing Front-Line Educators: An Innovative Training to Support Field Instructors 666
Social Justice in Field Settings: How Other Professions Integrate Social Justice Education 667
Changing the Culture of Silence: Can Social-Work Programs Continue to Ignore Suicide? 675
Promoting Preparation for Interprofessional Collaboration by Incorporating Neurodevelopmental Concepts in HBSE Coursework 677
Preparing MSW Students for Interprofessional Practice: Three Programs Share Lessons Learned 681
Delivering Field Instructor Training and Student Integrative Seminar in Rural Settings 687
Improving Financial Well-being in Vulnerable Families: A Workshop for Social Work Educators 688
High-Impact Educational Practices in Teaching Social Work Research: Building Community 693
Promoting Social Justice Through Critical Service Learning: An Interprofessional Social Work Approach 694
Harm Reduction: Exploring Values Guided by the Social Work Code of Ethics 699
Developing a Trauma-Informed Courtroom: An Innovative Interprofessional Approach for Improving Outcomes With Child Welfare Involved Children, Families, and Professionals 704
Narrating the Real Story: Partnering With the Media to Improve Child Welfare 705
Researching and Publishing on Diverse Populations in an Interprofessional Context 712
Storytelling as a Trauma-Informed Social Support Intervention for Women Experiencing Various Adversities 713
Arts Infused Field Education: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 715
Putting the Human Rights Mandate Into U.S. Social Work Field Education 717
School-based Field Education Model: Evolving From Interprofessional Collaboration to Practice to Education 718
Creativity in Teaching: Using a Progressive Pedagogical Framework in HBSE Courses 725
Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice Through CBPR 729
Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) Across Disciplines 730
University-Community Partnerships Promote Family and Community Wellness Through Interprofessional and Trauma-Informed Practices 732
Queen Sugar: Exploitation to Sustainability Using the African-Centered Social Work Theory 737
Visualizing Statistics: Using Simulation Studies as a Pedagogical Tool 739
Digital Citizenship, Online Learning Communities, and Social Justice 740
Exploring Social Entrepreneurship to Advance Social Justice: An Innovative Teaching and Advising Partnership to Foster and Promote Social Enterprise and Innovation Among Social Work Students 750
Reaching Toward Justice: Cultural Humility Within the MSW Curriculum and Across Disciplines 755
Field Education, Technology, and the Revised Code of Ethics: Preparing Our Students 757
Reframing Field Challenges From a Social Justice Lens 758
The Successes and Pitfalls: A Field Perspective of Partnering With Other Professions 760
A Village Enterprise: Social Work-Engineering Interprofessional Eeducation Advances Social Justice in Ghana 766
Navigating Barriers to IPE From Above and Below in Large University Systems 769
Using a Phone App for Diabetes Education- Interprofessional Student Run Clinic 771
Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Promoting Social Justice Through Multilevel Practice and Teaching 776
Study Away: Developing Cultural Competence, Social Justice Awareness, and Interprofessionalism 779
Cross-Program Collaboration to Develop Skills Labs for Distance Students: Lessons Learned 780
The Importance of Human Relationships: Educators Role in Advising 782
Black Males and Spiritual Coping: Expanding Interprofessional Education in the Academy 784
Sense of Responsibility: Roles of Caseworkers and Foster Parents in Health Care 788
Strategies for Increasing MSW Program Diversity: Partnering With a Historically Black College/University 789
Creating Interprofessional Educational Experiences in the Community During Field to Meet Competencies 794
Navigating Racism in Social Work Field Education 795
Preparing Professional Social Workers for an Interprofessional World 796
Refugee Health and Wellness: Integrating Interprofessional Education Into a Social Work Curriculum 805
Tackling the Future: Can We Really Teach R to MSW Students? 818
What and How: Helping Students Be Trauma-Informed by Integrating Solution-Focused Skills 819
#Hacking #childwelfare: Building Interprofessional Partnership Events to Leverage Technology for Social Change 820