CSWE’s publications program develops new tools to help social workers and social work educators serve their clients and advance their profession. CSWE staff members work in conjunction with the Council on Publications to produce books and nonprint resources through CSWE Press and original, cutting-edge articles in the Journal of Social Work Education.
CSWE Press
CSWE Press focuses on the needs of social work educators and students. Publishing specialties include the philosophy, theory, and practice of teaching; the process and evaluation of learning; and the organization and structure of social work education.
Proposal submissions for potential publications are welcome and will be reviewed by the Council on Publications. If you would like to discuss your idea for a book or other resource with a member of the CSWE Council on Publications, please contact Elizabeth Simon, publications manager.
To order publications, visit the CSWE Press Online Bookstore or call 877-751-5053. For social work educators who have adopted a CSWE Press publication for a class or are considering doing so, desk copies and examination copies are available.
The Journal of Social Work Education
CSWE’s flagship publication is the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE), a peer-reviewed professional journal. Submissions to JSWE are accepted via an online system. JSWE is available as part of CSWE membership and by subscription.
The JSWE Awards recognize outstanding work published in each volume year of the journal and the outstanding volunteer peer reviewers who make the journal possible. View the most recent award winners here.
CSWE Press E-Resources
CSWE Press offers peer-reviewed monographs, syllabi, and bibliographies as online resources available for use by faculty and students.