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Proposed Bylaw Changes

CSWE is asking members to vote for a set of bylaw changes put forth by the Board of Directors. Members of the Board hope to expand access to CSWE benefits to faculty, administrators, staff, and students with member support of several changes to the organization’s bylaws. 
The proposed changes in membership structure and clearer articulation of the relationship between CSWE and its accrediting function will be brought to the membership for a ballot vote from May 2 until May 31, 2022. To participate in the vote, you must have been a full member as of April 15, 2022. At 10:00 AM (EDT) on June 2, 2022, the votes will be tallied during a special meeting of the CSWE Board of Directors at CSWE’s office at 333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314. 
A red-lined version of the bylaws and a clean copy with changes incorporated can be found below. An affirmative vote by two-thirds of the weighted votes cast by full members is required to amend or repeal these bylaws.

Redline version (edits shown in track changes)

Clean version (edits incorporated)

Be a Leader!

There are several ways that CSWE membership allows you to be a leader in social work education:

CSWE Commissioner or Councilor

Each year CSWE seeks to identify new leadership for its commissions and councils. Please consider nominating those individuals who have an interest in this important volunteer work and leadership development or nominate yourself.
Nominations should include:

  • the consent of the nominee
  • current CV
  • statement identifying the requested appointment area and describing special areas of expertise and/or interest that will benefit that area

If appointed, nominees must become a member of CSWE. Information about the six commissions, along with their corresponding councils, can be found on the Governance Web page. Appointments are made by the CSWE chair every July. Please note: to be considered for membership on the Commission on Accreditation, you must have at least 3 years experience as a site visitor.

CSWE will start accepting volunteers applications in the beginning of April 2020. More details will be provided soon.

Journal of Social Work Education Reviewers

The Journal of Social Work Education is seeking experienced scholars in social work education and related fields who can make studied judgments about manuscripts and provide helpful comments for authors. If you are interested in reviewing manuscripts for JSWE, please send a letter of interest along with a curriculum vitae to

Beginning April 1, 2018, individual CSWE memberships will start on April 1 each year and end on March 31 of the following year. 

Member Benefit

To begin receiving CSWE Compass and CSWE Public Policy Monthly Reviewbecome a CSWE Member today!

Contact us with questions.