Advance or Begin Your Career
- Subscription to the Journal of Social Work Education, a refereed professional journal that serves as a forum for creative exchange on trends, innovations, and problems relevant to social work education at the undergraduate, master's, and postgraduate levels.
- Subscription to CSWE Compass: Navigating Social Work Education & Advocacy, CSWE's monthly newsletter that includes updates on CSWE’s councils, commissions, and Annual Program Meeting; CSWE program member spotlights; opportunities and resources for members; and advocacy and public policy news
- Discounted member registration rates for the Annual Program Meeting
- A 10% discount on the purchase of CSWE publications
Have a Voice in the Community
- Present to 3,000 social work educators, practitioners, and students attending CSWE's Annual Program Meeting
- Volunteer your knowledge and time by serving on CSWE commissions, councils, committees, and task forces
- Be represented with decision makers through CSWE's advocacy efforts in gaining federal, state, and private support of social work education and shaping public policy
Individual Membership Categories and Dues
Choose what's best for you from the following membership categories. These membership dues categories and rates are effective starting July 1, 2012.
Membership Category
Full Member: Faculty and Administrators
Faculty and Administrator Members consist of persons holding paid faculty, administrative or managerial appointments in programs accredited by CSWE and those programs in candidacy status.
$195 |
Full Member: Individual
Individual Members consist of individuals affiliated with national, state, local, voluntary, public social welfare agencies, and other professional social work organizations, field instructors with educational responsibilities for students in social work undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as others who wish to support social work education through membership in CSWE.
$195 |
Associate Member: Emeritus*
Emeritus Members consist of emeritus faculty or administrators from CSWE accredited programs and those programs in candidacy status.
$75 |
Associate Member: Student (Two Levels)*
Undergraduate/Graduate at $55 or Doctoral at $95
- Student Members consist of full-time and part-time students. A student member cannot hold a full-time professional position. Student enrollment verification will be required for each student membership application and renewal.
- Documentation of 1) student enrollment status with projected graduation date and 2) confirmation the student does not hold a full-time academic appointment is to be sent to the mailbox.
- Confirmation of student membership will be sent after review of the required documentation.
$55 or $95 |
Associate Member: Associate Organization*
Associate Organization Members consist of agencies, institutions, professional libraries and library associations, and other organizations interested in social work education.
$300 |
* Non-voting Membership Category |
Join or Renew
To join CSWE as an individual member or renew your individual membership, please choose from the following two options.
1. Complete the online membership form and login to the CSWE Membership Portal.
2. Complete the downloadable membership application (PDF) and submit it to CSWE with payment/or credit card payment information:
Council on Social Work Education
333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314
For faster membership processing, please use online option.
All individual CSWE memberships start on April 1 and end on March 31 of the following year.
CSWE no longer accepts purchase orders and partial payments for membership.
CSWE membership is non-transferable. The membership fee is non-refundable after a week of a newly initiated or updated membership, or if any of membership benefits were accessed.