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Copyright Permissions

CSWE holds copyright to all publications it produces, unless otherwise stated. If you are interested in reprinting or distributing copyrighted CSWE material, including material from CSWE Press books or from the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards, please contact Elizabeth Simon. Include in your e-mail

  • the full bibliographic information for the source you wish to use;
  • how you plan to use it (quoted content, course pack, reprint, etc.);
  • whether the use is commercial, nonprofit, or educational; and
  • a contact name and invoicing address.

If the material will be used for a class, include the class title, number of sections, and expected number of students. If material will be reprinted in a commercial publication, include the title, author, print run, and expected publication date.

If you would like permission to reprint material from the Journal of Social Work Education, please contact the journal's publisher, Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

You may also fax your request to +1.703.683.8493, ATTN: Publications Permissions.

See the Copyright Guidelines page for general information about copyright permissions.