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CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact

CSWE understands that many programs may be disrupted as they recover from the damage caused by Hurricane Ida. Should there be any question as to how these disruptions impact field education, site visits, or other accreditation-related concerns, please see our one-page resource and contact your accreditation specialist at any time.
CSWE President and CEO Darla Spence Coffey addresses questions regarding the status and format of the 2021 Annual Program Meeting.
CSWE is proud to present the grantees for the sixth cycle of the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education grant program. These projects will prepare future social workers and researchers to practice within an increasingly interdependent and interconnected global community.
The CSWE Board of Directors on June 25, 2021, humbly adopted an acknowledgement of and apology for social work education’s role in harms committed against Indigenous and Tribal Peoples. The statement includes 6 ways to improve awareness and deepen a commitment to social justice throughout social work education.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, with cases surging due to the Delta variant in a population that has not yet reached herd immunity (which according to the CDC will be achieved when 80% of the population is fully vaccinated). Many are wondering: What will the fall look like? What will practice look like? What will our learning environment look like? How will the regulatory landscape change? Although we celebrate the availability of multiple safe and highly effective vaccines, we recognize that “reopening” our society, and ongoing recovery, will take a different form than we may have anticipated.
CSWE is proud to be part of a national campaign to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000 and help more students earn a degree, get a good-paying job, and achieve a brighter future. The campaign features a new website,, that provides students and families with the tools to communicate with Congress, engage on social media, and share personal stories about how the Pell Grant has helped them—and express their support for doubling Pell.
Despite recent events, the 2021 APM will be held November 4–7 at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando. Unfortunately, we cannot absorb the financial penalties that would be incurred by breaking our contracts and agreements at this time. We ask for your understanding on this matter and for your active engagement as social workers to help us meet this challenge.
CSWE reiterates opposition to a slew of proposed laws that are designed to restrict colleges and universities from teaching "divisive concepts," including racism.   
More social work students are pursuing doctoral degrees today compared to 5 years ago, according to a new report produced by the Council on Social Work Education and the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work. The report highlights trends in enrollment for practice doctorate and research doctorate programs, degrees conferred, curriculum, student demographics, and more. 
The 2021 CSWE Election has officially concluded! Thanks to the thoughtful participation of its members, CSWE has now elected 11 new members of the Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee. Read more about the newly appointed members.
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