Landmark Funding for University of Chicago Program
A new commitment to the University of Chicago from James and Paula Crown and their family will support the School of Social Service Administration, which will be renamed the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice. This honors the School’s historic legacy and enables an ambitious expansion of its vision to advance a more just and humane society. The landmark gift—$75 million, making it the largest ever in support of a school of social work—will advance the School’s educational and scholarly mission. It will increase student financial aid, support faculty research and hiring, and strengthen community engagement to address the challenges of inequality and related social problems. Learn more here.
2021 APM Call for Proposals Now Open
CSWE invites proposals for the 67th Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Orlando, FL, November 4‒7, 2021. We encourage participants to incorporate lessons learned from the pandemic and its lasting effects into proposals, including how technology use created opportunities and challenges for social work students, practice systems, and the populations they serve. Learn more about the proposal categories, format options, and APM tracks.
Nominate a Colleague for the CSWE 2021 Professional Recognition Awards
CSWE invites you to think about a person you know who has made a difference in the field of social work education and consider submitting a nomination to honor this person’s work through CSWE’s professional recognition awards. These prestigious awards will be presented during the CSWE 2021 Annual Program Meeting.
CSWE Hires New Vice President of Education
CSWE welcomes Tanya Smith Brice, PhD, MSW, as the vice president of education. Brice brings extensive leadership and expertise in higher education and social work to CSWE and will lead the organization’s promotion of quality education and support for the career development of students, faculty members, and administrators. Read more about Dr. Brice here.
A Time to Focus on Advancing Social Work Values
CSWE welcomes the inauguration of Joe Biden as our 46th president and the historic inauguration of Vice President Kamala Harris. This inauguration marks an opportunity to set ambitious goals to work with the administration to advance social work education and improve access to higher education. The inauguration ceremonies also remind us of the challenges our nation faces and the work needed to overcome racism and injustice. Read more here.
CSWE’s 2019–2020 Annual Report Now Available!
CSWE's annual report highlights its activities and accomplishments and shows key indicators for social work programs, professional development, advocacy, leadership, centers and initiatives, and membership. We invite you to learn how CSWE, its membership, and affiliated stakeholders worked together in the past fiscal year to advance social work education and raise the profile of the profession through their many accomplishments and partnerships. Thank you to our members, councils and commissions, and all who shared their passion and expertise to shape the future of the organization and social work education! Download the report here.
What Does Essential Mean to You?
The theme of Social Work Month this year is “Social Workers Are Essential.” We invite you to send in your thoughts – as an essay, photos, cartoons, or any medium – on what “essential” means to you. CSWE will collect, publish, and share this content with our members and on social media throughout March. Please send your content to comms@cswe.org by Monday, February 15 to be considered for this project!
Time to Take the Annual Survey of Social Work Programs!
The data collection instrument for the 2020 Annual Survey was sent to the primary contacts of all CSWE accredited programs and contacts for practice doctorate and research doctorate programs on December 16, 2020. The Annual Survey of Social Work Programs collects information about social work programs, students, graduates, and faculty members, which is used by the social work education community in research, program planning, and advocacy work.
Honoring the 2020‒2021 HEALS Scholars
Join CSWE and the National Association of Social Workers in celebrating our 2020‒2021 HEALS Scholars! We look forward to your successes as future health-care social work leaders. Learn more about the 10 social work programs involved in the HEALS program here. The 2020–2021 HEALS Scholar Directory provides an overview of our current scholars.

Register Now for the Virtual May 2021 IPEC Institute
Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) will hold its next Institute virtually on May 18, 20, 25, and 27, 2021. The May 2021 IPEC Institute, “Building Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice and Health Equity,” returns to the popular theme of building interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) to increase faculty and student preparation to deliver on health equity. Interprofessional faculty teams, individual educators, and practitioners looking for tools and strategies to lead, develop, and implement IPECP are encouraged to attend.
Upcoming IPEC Webinar: Promoting Health & Well-Being
In collaboration with the American Psychological Association, Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s first 2021 webinar, “Promoting Health & Well-Being Within & Across Health Professions Learners,” addresses the mental health and wellness needs of interprofessional learners. This free event will be held Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 2:00 pm (ET). Webinar participants will hear innovative strategies to integrate wellness academic programming into interprofessional education curricula. Learn more and register here.
Call for Applications: IPEC Leadership Program
Apply now for the super early bird registration rate for the 2021 Interprofessional Education Collaborative Interprofessional Leadership Development Program, “How Will the Events of 2020 Shape the Future of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice?,” which will be held virtually June 8‒10, 2021. Facilitated by the Academy for Advancing Leadership, this program engages senior leaders and administrators responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of campus-wide interprofessional education programs. Register by February 12 to save $200 off the regular rate. Download the informational flyer here.

Natural Connections: Embodying Relationship With the Environment
Dr. Leah Prussia offers an approach to environmental justice focused on the role of healing by interweaving Indigenous wisdom and Western knowledge. Her conceptual framework helps MSW students understand and embody the importance of their role as social workers supporting humans and the natural environment. A webinar and suggested readings are included. Read more in this month’s Educator|Resource.

Apply for the 2021–2022 Doctoral Minority Fellowship Program
The 2021–2022 application cycle is open until March 16. The fellowship provides training, mentorship, a stipend of approximately $2,000/month, and other professional development support to applicants pursuing a doctoral degree in social work. Applicants’ career goals should include leadership in practice, research, teaching, or policy promulgation with underrepresented and underserved persons facing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges. For information on how to apply, click here.
New Slate of JSWE Articles on Racism Available to All
In response to current events and the pervasive social injustices facing our society, the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) continues to compile collections of articles with a focus on race/racism, oppression, social justice, and related topics that social workers and social work educators are committed to addressing and resolving. The following articles will be open access February 1–March 31, 2021, through the Taylor & Francis JSWE Online portal:
JSWE Seeks Peer Reviewers
The Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) seeks applications for reviewers who are willing to donate their time and expertise to provide timely, relevant, and high-quality reviews of scholarly manuscripts for a 3-year term. We would like to hear from applicants who have at least a good beginning record of peer-reviewed publications. If you are seeking an opportunity to expand your skills while making an important contribution to the social work profession, please send your CV to jswe@cswe.org. All applications will be reviewed by the JSWE Editorial Advisory Board. Please share with your colleagues and programs!
ASWB Seeks Proposals for Regulatory Research
The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) seeks proposals for a literature review to examine the current research related to occupational and professional regulation, with an emphasis on social work regulatory best practices. Learn more and download the RFP.
CSWE is recruiting for the following positions:
To apply for these career opportunities at CSWE, please submit a cover letter, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314; FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or jobs@cswe.org.
External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, February 16, 2020.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.