CSWE Full Circle August 2015
Collaboration With Social Work Schools in Central Regions of China
As part of a 5-year initiative launched by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) and the China Association of Social Work Education, the Arizona State University's School of Social Work, among the seven social work schools nationally selected, has entered the 3rd year of its collaboration with social work schools in central China. The collaborative project with the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and nine other Chinese universities in that region is focused on providing training and assistance related to the large-scale development of social work education currently occurring in China.
A 5-day workshop was hosted at the Jiangxi University of Finances and Economics (JUFE) in July 2015, wherein the three faculty members addressed family social work, social work with children, and gerontological social work. More than 80 participants from over 30 universities and 10 service agencies around China participated. In addition, Professor Flavio Marsiglia was named Honored International Affiliate Professor from the vice president of the JUFE on July 9.
In the fall of 2015, the collaboration will be expanded to include a student exchange program. CSWE President Darla Spence Coffey has launched the evaluation component of the initiative with the International Association of Schools of Social Work as it enters the second half of the collaborative. This October Dr. Michelle Carney will present the third-year project progress to the other six peer universities in the United States at CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting in Denver, CO. To read more about the China Collaborative Initiative's progress, click here.
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