2012 CSWE China Collaborative Application
Social work in China, represented by approximately 270 undergraduate social work programs and 72 graduate programs, has gained prominence in recent years following the government's endorsement in 2006. The government has established ambitious goals for the social work profession, including the expectation that 2 million social workers will be practicing by 2020. Because the profession is in the early stages of development, Chinese faculty have expressed a strong desire to learn more about social work education such as key professional concepts, core values and beliefs, application of knowledge and skills, field educational models, various instructional strategies, and academic administrative designs.
The China Collaborative is a demonstration project of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Katherine A. Kendall Institute, the China Association of Social Work Education (CASWE), and the International Association of Schools of Social Work to foster the development of graduate social work education programs in mainland China. The collaborative will engage 10–15 American and Chinese graduate programs in a 5-year partnership with the participating U.S. programs selected by CSWE and the Chinese programs selected by CASWE.
The overall purpose is for the U.S. programs to assist their Chinese partners in the development of MSW programs that reflect the unique dimensions of graduate education in mainland China. As a capacity-building system, the academic programs are committed to faculty, staff, and student exchanges; mentoring and consultation; building research infrastructure; and further strengthening social work education in an international context.
Program Requirements
- Commitment to a 5-year partnership that includes ongoing, consistent communication between the two programs
- Agreement not to establish an on-site MSW program
- Agreement to focus on capacity-building in its work involving Chinese students studying in its U.S.-based program
- Participation in a research conference and consultation in mainland China in summer/fall 2012
- Participation in future (2013–2017) Chinese- or U.S.-based collaborative conferences
- Agreement to host Chinese faculty, staff, and students on an annual basis, including providing housing and arranging local travel
- Demonstration of sufficient funds (a minimum of $10,000 each year or $50,000 for the project's duration) available each year to support the institutional partnership
Selection Process
Interested graduate social work programs are encouraged to submit proposals that address the following points:
- Affirmation of the program's ability to successfully address the program requirements
- Identification of the social work program's previous global experiences including prior efforts in mainland China; a college or university's previous experience in China should also be included to ensure the institution's commitment to global partnerships
- Presentation of a 3-year plan that identifies proposed activities, milestones, and benchmarks
- Assurance of support from the college or university chief executive officer (e.g., president or chancellor) in the form of a letter
Proposals should be submitted to Katherine Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education, Council on Social Work Education, Attention: Andrea Bediako, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA, 22314, by February 29, 2012. Applicants will be notified of the status of their applications on or before March 31, 2012.
Questions may be directed to kaki@cswe.org. China Collaborative FAQs (PDF).