CSWE Gero-Ed Center
Student Travel Scholarship Awardees
The Gero-Ed Center is pleased to announce the 2015 awardees of the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships, Carolyn Lokensgard (St. Catherine University/University of St. Thomas) and Huy Ho (Virginia Commonwealth University). These students were selected through a competitive application process for their exemplary commitment to the field of aging to receive a $500 travel stipend and complimentary registration to attend the 2015 APM and its Gero-Ed Track events.
HPPAE Panel at APM
As the Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) celebrates 16 years of successfully recruiting and training social work students to be leaders in the field of aging, the Gero-Ed Center will host the APM panel HPPAE-ness is 16 Years of Success at the CSWE 2015 APM on Friday, October 16, from 4:30-6:00 pm. Panelists with longstanding HPPAE programs will share best practices and innovations that have emerged over the course of their program’s history, and everyone is invited to attend--whether you have a HPPAE or are interested in increasing aging field opportunities at your school!
NEW HPPAE Web Resources
New and updated Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) resources are now available on the Gero-Ed Center website! Resources include a complete HPPAE manual, information and tools related to each of the HPPAE’s six program elements, evaluation instruments, and marketing guides, which can useful to both existing HPPAE programs or anyone interested in starting a new program.