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Katherine A. Kendall Institute

2015 PIE Awardees

The CSWE Partners in Advancing International Education (PIE) awardees, including a new student category, have been selected for this year. The PIE awards will be given during the Denver, CO Annual Program Meeting.

Kendall Institute Launches International Social Work Grants

The Katherine A. Kendall Institute seeks proposals for international social work grants. Proposals are due August 31; click here for more information. 

Collecting Resources in Support of the Global Agenda

CSWE was selected to be a data clearinghouse for the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development and will be collecting resources for Global Agenda Item 2: Promoting the Dignity and Worth of a Person.

2016 India Faculty Development Trip

CSWE and the Council on Global Learning and Practice are excited to announce the next faculty development trip will be to Mumbai, India. For more information, please send an e-mail to