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University of Houston GCSW’s Make or Donate Masks for Social Workers
There is a critical and growing need to protect social workers providing face-to-face services and the clients they serve. University of Houston’s Graduate College of Social Work has implemented a Make or Donate Masks for Social Workers program and is asking for assistance. The program’s goal is to host a mask drive asking people to either make, donate, or share this project. The mask drive focuses on social workers and their clients who are particularly vulnerable and facing even more challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more and sign up, click here


Visit CSWE’s Updated Coronavirus Response Resources
CSWE offers various resources and guidance for programs and students to help address challenges and highlight modifications and innovations implemented by programs that may be helpful to others. This page also serves as a resource for accreditation information, especially as it relates to field, and for event updates for social work education. Visit to learn more.

More Than 100 Curricular Resources for Teaching About COVID-19
Recently shared on CSWE Spark by Dr. Laura Nissen, this curated list of curricular topics and resources will be steadily updated with added material to help social work students and faculty stay informed and inspired during these challenging and uncertain times when it may be difficult to focus on education. Topics include teaching and learning to practice on digital platforms, areas of specialized practice, and much more. Read the list and leave your feedback on Spark today!


Nominate 2020 Annual Program Meeting Plenary Lecturers
CSWE needs your help to nominate outstanding social work leaders for this year’s APM plenary lectures. Click here to nominate a social work leader who exemplifies Carl A. Scott’s dedication to diversity in social work education. Click here to nominate an international social work leader who promotes standards of excellence for international social work and a vision of social work education to be the next Hokenstad International lecturer.


IPEC Webinars and New iCollaborative Resource
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) hosted a free webinar titled “Interprofessional Teaching and Collaborative Practice During COVID-19: A Community Conversation” to learn about innovative strategies that provide opportunities for interprofessional student teams to develop, practice, and refine interprofessional skills. Participants were also introduced to the newest iCollaborative collection, Clinical Teaching and Learning Experiences without Physical Patient Contact. Stay tuned for a recording of this webinar and other IPEC webinars here.


Cultural Adaptation of Behavioral Interventions
The April Educator|Resource features a research database of cultural adaptions of behavioral health interventions. This new Center curriculum resource includes published research on adaptations ranging from basic language translation, to the involvement of community members in the provision of services, to more fundamental restructuring of methods of care.


CSWE Offers Accreditation-related COVID-19 Updates
CSWE’s Department of Social Work Accreditation and Commission on Accreditation (COA) are providing resources and updated information for programs, students, institutions, CSWE members, and other stakeholders on a dedicated COVID-19 page. As of April 21, the most recently updated resource is the Frequently Asked Questions document. The response page also includes a statement from the COA and CSWE, information on site visits, survey findings, and a crowd-source document for programs to provide field opportunities.


JSWE Issues Call for Pandemic-related Manuscripts
The Journal of Social Work Education invites submissions for a special issue titled "Teaching, Field Instruction, and Administration in the Time of Pandemic or Natural Disaster" to be published in spring 2021. Find details in the call for submissions.


Meet the 2019–2020 Social Work HEALS Scholars
CSWE is happy to introduce the 2019–2020 Social Work HEALS Scholars. Social Work Healthcare Education and Leadership Scholars (HEALS) is a collaborative endeavor with the National Association of Social Workers and is funded by the New York Community Trust.

Free SBIRT Webinar Series
NORC at the University of Chicago in partnership with CSWE has developed the adolescent screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) curriculum to help social work educators implement adolescent SBIRT training in their programs. Access the entire adolescent SBIRT curriculum, including a 300+ page Learner’s Guide to Adolescent SBIRT and companion PowerPoint slide deck and a four-part on demand educational series, “Using SBIRT to Talk to Adolescents about Substance Use.”


2020–2021 MFP Master’s Fellowship Application Cycle Now Open
CSWE’s 2020–2021 master’s Minority Fellowship Program application cycle is now open with a deadline of Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at 5:00 pm (EDT). MFP Director Dr. Duy Nguyen will host live Q&A sessions about the fellowship program. Click here to find program eligibility requirements, application instructions, and how to join a Q&A session.


Council and Commission Volunteer Applications Due April 30
CSWE members are invited and encouraged to apply to serve on one of 17 distinguished commissions or councils. Please view the 2018–2019 CSWE Annual Report to learn more about CSWE’s accomplishments, including the work and achievements of the commissions and councils. Application materials must be submitted using the online system; instructions are available here

2020 Commission and Council Awards Deadline: May 1
The submission deadline to apply for this year’s commission and council awards is Friday, May 1. Depending on the criteria, each award may be open to CSWE members, nonmembers, and/or presenters at the 2020 Annual Program Meeting in Denver, CO, November 12–15, 2020.


Free Online Class: Telehealth Basics
Indiana University’s School of Social Work is offering a free, online, self-paced introductory program titled “Telehealth Basics for Social Work Educators and Clinicians” responding to COVID-19. The program consists of three modules that provide help with risk-management, ethical guidelines, service policies, social media, and strategies and skills for interacting with clients online. Participants who complete the program can earn 2 CEs. Click here to learn more and register.

April 24 is Children's Memorial Flag Day
The Child Welfare League of America’s (CWLA’s) Children's Memorial Flag was created in honor of April’s National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Flown on the fourth Friday in April, the flag honors each lost child and is a symbol for the protection of children and young people from all forms of violence. The flag raises public awareness about the continuing problem of violence against children. Join CWLA’s efforts to make children a national priority by helping to make every day a peaceful, healthy day for America’s children. 




CSWE is recruiting for the following positions:

To apply for these career opportunities at CSWE, please submit a cover letter, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or


External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.