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Introducing CSWE Compass, Your New Monthly e-Newsletter!

Welcome to our newly redesigned e-newsletter, CSWE Compass! Each month Compass will provide news on CSWE activities, councils and commissions, and programs, and will incorporate our advocacy and public policy newsletter (formerly Public Policy Monthly Review, now Advocacy in Action). We also want Compass to deliver easily accessible, reader-friendly resources and opportunities that enhance your teaching, your career, and your profession. We hope you enjoy the new format and design, and we welcome your submissions and feedback as we move forward.


UT Awarded $2.8M Grant to Aid Access to Veterinary Care
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s College of Social Work Program for Pet Health Equity, has received a $2.8 million grant from Maddie’s Fund to support research and development of AlignCare, a health-care system designed to improve access to veterinary care for underserved families. Read more about the program and grant here.


By Moffett [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsAs the mother of modern social work, founder of Chicago’s world-famous Hull-House, activist, and social reformer, Jane Addams was ahead of her time. Born on September 6, 1860, Jane Addams was one of the most prominent U.S. women through her writing, settlement work, and international efforts for peace. In addition to being the second woman in history to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, she founded the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in 1919 and worked for many years to help conclude peace agreements between powerful countries.

Jane Addams was no stranger to helping others, especially vulnerable populations who were less economically stable. After studying medicine as a young adult, Addams took a trip to London to visit the world’s first settlement house, Toynbee Hall, where she was instantly inspired to create a similar resource in her hometown of Chicago. Within months, Jane Addams and her friend Ellen Starr opened the doors to Hull-House, Chicago’s first social settlement.

The Hull House, Chicago (front)

Originally established to give immigrants in Addams’ local community access to art and education, Hull-House evolved to become a place where immigrants of diverse communities gathered to learn, eat, debate, and acquire the tools necessary to put down roots in their new country. The spirit of Addams’ accomplishments lives on at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, which interprets her legacy through its collections, educational materials, and public programs.

Join us in celebrating Jane Addams’ birthday and legacy! Read more about Jane Addams and the Hull-House here.


2018 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecturer Announced
CSWE is pleased to announce Dr. Karina Walters as the 2018 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecturer. The lecture, titled, “Imaiyạchi: Transcending Historical Trauma and Living Ancestral Visions Imagined for Us," will be presented by Dr. Walters during the 2018 Annual Program Meeting on Friday, November 9 at 8:45 am. Visit the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture Series page for more information.
Register for CSWE’s Teaching Institute for Early-Career Faculty Preconference Workshop
CSWE's new preconference workshop, Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty, will address key elements of course and curriculum design, including strategies for working with adult learners; new strategies for teaching with technology; and how to navigate challenging classroom conversations on questions of racism, identity, and other social justice issues. This day-long program is targeted to faculty with 3 years or fewer of teaching experience. Registration is limited (preregistration required).
2018 APM Early Bird Registration Now Closed
Early Bird rates are now closed, but it’s not too late to register for this year’s Annual Program Meeting! Please note that rates increased $50 on August 21.
Women’s Council Mentor Recognition Nominations Due Aug. 31
Don’t forget to nominate your mentor through the Women’s Council Mentor Recognition Fund to be recognized at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting. All mentors will be honored at the Women’s Council Networking Breakfast on Saturday, November 10. Nominations are due by Friday, August 31, 2018.

Thank You to the 2018 APM Premier, Platinum, & Gold Sponsors
Thanks to the 2018 APM sponsors for their generous support, which helps make the APM possible. View sponsorship opportunities here and contact Allison Moon to join your peers as a 2018 APM sponsor today.

Premier Sponsors—$10,000 Gold Sponsors—$5,000
UNE Online Barry University School of Social Work
USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Boston College School of Social Work
University of Washington School of Social Work Howard School of Social Work
Platinum Sponsors—$7,500 NC State Department of Social Work
Arizona State University School of Social Work VCU School of Social Work
Capella University The University of Memphis Department of Social Work
Fordham Graduate School of Social Service University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work
Our Lady of the Lake University Worden School of Social Work The University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Social Work
Sacred Heart University Walden University
University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work Wayne State School of Social Work
University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work  
University of Texas Arlington School of Social Work  
The University of Utah College of Social Work  



Sign Up for a 1:1 Chat About SocialWorkCAS
Sign up for an individualized 1-hour session to walk through the SocialWorkCAS application and answer your questions. Education sessions will be held September 11–13, from 9:00 am–2:00 pm ET, and are first come, first-served.


MFP Awarded 5-Year SAMHSA Grant
CSWE received a 5-year, $7.1 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to continue the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP). The grant will allow the MFP to support additional Fellows and explore supplemental training and resources. MFP provides stipends, mentoring, and training to 25 doctoral and 40 master’s students each year.



New Curricular Guide for Disability-Competent Care Coming This Fall
The Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice is excited to announce the upcoming release of a new curricular guide for integrating content focused on disability-competent care into social work education, which will be available this fall. The guide was developed by the Disability-Competent Care Curriculum Workgroup in collaboration with the Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities. For information, please contact Dr. Yolanda Padilla, Diversity Center director.


New Webinar Series on Today's Most Pressing Issues 
Join us for the first webinar in our new series "CSWEducation Connections: Real-time conversation on pressing issues in social work education" on September 19 at 1:00 pm ET! The first webinar in the CSWEducation Connections series, The Future of Teaching with an MSW: Program and Regional Accreditation Perspectives, will explore how changing accreditation standards will impact the ability of MSWs to continue to teach graduate level courses.




External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, September 18, 2018.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.