IUPUI-Led Project Aims to Reduce Trauma Related to COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic causing abrupt school closures across the country, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) researchers are accelerating work on a project to protect teachers from the dangerous impact of undue mental and emotional strain. The project, led in part by faculty members in the Indiana University School of Social Work and the IU School of Nursing at IUPUI, takes aim at "secondary trauma" in teachers and other school personnel. The term refers to the psychological burden experienced by people who work with vulnerable populations, especially during times of crisis. Read more here.

Celebrate the Class of 2020 on CSWE Spark
With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students, educators, parents, social workers, and supporters have been unable to celebrate their graduation or the graduation of a loved one this year. To help honor the class of 2020 and all their hard work, log on to CSWE Spark and join the Class of 2020 community. Share photos of this year’s graduating class, post inspirational messages, and let us know what the class of 2020 means to you.

Clinical Teaching and Learning Experiences Without Physical Patient Contact
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) resource collection was built in response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s significant impact on the teaching and learning of health professionals. Designed by diverse educators, this working collection features clinical learning experiences that can be readily used or easily adapted for specific local settings without the need for physical patient contact. Click here to access the special collection or to add your submission.

Shedding Light on Solitary Confinement
The May Educator|Resource, by Social Workers Against Solitary Confinement, offers a comprehensive overview of solitary confinement that includes the voices of those who have been affected by it, the ethical dilemma of health and social service providers who work in criminal justice facilities, and humane alternatives. The searchable resource database provides an extensive set of more than 300 teaching resources.
Inaugural Doctoral Student Policy Forum Cohort Announced for 2021
Congratulations to the first cohort of the inaugural CSWE-SSWR-GADE Social Work Doctoral Student Policy Forum! The group will be the first to receive specialized training that connects social work research and policymaking in a 2-day workshop held in Washington, DC, next year. Click here to see the list of participants.
2020–2021 MFP Master’s Fellowship: Application Deadline June 2
Reminder: CSWE’s 2020–2021 master’s Minority Fellowship Program application cycle closes on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at 5:00 pm (EDT). The 1-year MFP master’s fellowship enhances the training of full-time, direct-practice focused, social work master’s students in the final year of study with specialized behavioral health training, a monetary stipend, and access to mentoring and professional development support. Click here to find program eligibility requirements and application instructions.
JSWE Issues Call for Pandemic-related Manuscripts
The Journal of Social Work Education invites submissions for a special issue titled "Teaching, Field Instruction, and Administration in the Time of Pandemic or Natural Disaster" to be published in spring 2021. Find details in the call for submissions.
Collection of Education Resources on Social Work Competencies
CSWE is responding to the need for social work educators to tailor their teaching methods to accommodate the many shifts created by COVID-19 and creating an opportunity for members to engage with each other during this transition. In this month’s collection of resources Dr. Laura Nissen shares a curated list of links to help move real-time COVID-19 content into social work education spaces. Click here to see Dr. Nissen’s post on CSWE Spark.
Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse Considerations During COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic has required shelter-in-place orders, for many families who experience domestic violence the home may not be such a safe space. This may include intimate partners and children. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has created Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse Considerations During COVID-19 to help families and communities address intimate partner violence and child abuse health concerns.
LEAD Global Training Program Postdoctoral Fellowship
The LEAD Global Training Program provides fellows from underrepresented groups with the skills and hands-on experiences needed to lead multidisciplinary collaborative research teams focused on mental health disparities research in low-resource communities. Applications for the postdoctoral position will be accepted on a rolling basis. Click here for more information.
Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Clark
CSWE mourns the loss of Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Clark, former CEO of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), who passed away on May 23. Our condolences go out to her family, friends, and colleagues. Read more about Clark’s life on NASW’s Social Work Blog.
CSWE is recruiting for the following positions:
To apply for these career opportunities at CSWE, please submit a cover letter, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or jobs@cswe.org.
External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.