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Baylor Social Work Graduate Students Form Queer Student Alliance
Graduate students from Baylor University’s School of Social Work have created Queer Student Alliance, a new LGBTQ student organization on campus, which will function as a support and advocacy group. The group plans to host events as well; for Transgender Day of Visibility, the Queer Student Alliance held an event in conjunction with the Waco Trans Group, Waco City Council Representative Kelly Palmer, and Central Metropolitan Community Church Reverend Charles Garrison. The support group will meet biweekly, and those meetings will only be for LGBTQ students for their safety and privacy. Learn more here


CSWE Land Acknowledgment Statement and Indigenous and Tribal Content
This month, CSWE formally acknowledged that its office is located on ancestral lands of Indigenous Peoples throughout the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and territories. This is true of the cities where CSWE events occur and the areas where council staff and volunteers reside. Read through the Land Acknowledgment statement, crafted in partnership with the Indigenous and Tribal Social Work Educators Association, and a new Web page to feature content from Indigenous and Tribal educators. CSWE members are welcome to submit content for this new page be reaching out to

A Reflection on the Importance of Land Acknowledgment Statements
Land acknowledgment statements are part of the truth and reconciliation movement to address mistreatment of Indigenous Peoples across the globe. These statements are intentional and personal. Land acknowledgments name the historical treatment of Indigenous Peoples in the loss of their lands and provide non-Indigenous people opportunities for critical self-reflection and for learning about alternative perspectives on United States history. Read Dr. Rebecca Maldonado Moore's personal reflections on the significance of land acknowledgment statements.
Women’s Council Honors Inspiring Women in Social Work Education
In observance of Women’s History Month, members of the CSWE Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (Women’s Council) took to CSWE Spark to share thoughtful profiles on their accomplishments and the mentors that help make those accomplishments possible. Read more.

Honoring Arab-American Heritage: Recognition and Justice
In recognition of Arab-American Heritage Month, Jessica Saba, MSW, explores Arab representation and experiences in the United States. “As social workers, our profession’s values and mission urge us to advocate for social justice. This starts with educating ourselves and others about the continuing racism toward Arabs and Muslims.” Read Jessica’s personal reflections here.


All Individual CSWE Memberships Expired on March 31, 2021 
Thank you for your continued support of CSWE over the past year! All individual CSWE memberships expired on March 31, 2021. You can view your member benefits or renew your membership online


Commission and Council Volunteer Applications Due April 30
CSWE members are encouraged to apply to serve on one of 17 distinguished commissions or councils. Please view the 2019–2020 CSWE Annual Report to learn more about CSWE’s accomplishments, including the work and achievements of the commissions and councils. Application materials must be submitted using the online system; instructions are available here.


2021 Commission and Council Awards Cycle Now Open
The submission deadline to apply for this year’s commission and council awards is Friday, June 4. Every year CSWE commissions and councils honor, recognize, and celebrate exceptional individuals who help advance social work and enhance social work education. Depending on the criteria, each award may be open to CSWE members, nonmembers, and/or presenters. Awardees will be recognized during the 2021 Annual Program Meeting.


Research Methods in Minoritized Populations
The resources included in this month’s Educator|Resource provide criteria to account for racial and ethnic equity and cultural responsiveness that can be applied (a) by doctoral students in the design of original research and (b) by students in BSW, MSW, and PhD programs in the evaluation of existing research studies. Included is a sample syllabus, a list of readings, and resources for applied policy-oriented research.


JSWE Spring 2021 Issue is Now Available

The latest issue of the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE), Volume 57, Issue 2, Spring 2021 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online. CSWE members may access JSWE articles online without charge. Nonmembers may search the database by author, title, or keyword; view abstracts; and purchase articles. The issue’s editorial, “The Hidden Cost of Caregiving During the Pandemic” (Danielle E. Parrish, Nalini Negi, & Cristina Mogro-Wilson) is available to all.

New Selection of JSWE Articles on Social Justice Now Open Access
In response to current events and the pervasive social injustices facing our society, the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) continues to compile collections of articles with a focus on race/racism, oppression, social justice, and related topics that social workers and social work educators are committed to addressing and resolving. The following articles will be open access April 1–June 30, 2021, through the Taylor & Francis JSWE Online portal:


MSWs in the Making: MFP Master's Graduates 2021
The Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) is proud to share MSWs in the Making, a booklet that highlights the experience, interests, and career ambitions of our current cohort of master’s fellows. These 42 fellows are poised to make lasting impacts on individuals, groups, and communities through their post-MSW practice. As you explore their background information, please take a moment to consider how fellows’ experiences and goals align with professional opportunities in your sphere.
Apply Now for the 2021–2022 Master’s MFP 
The application cycle for CSWE’s 2021–2022 Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) for master’s students is now open! The 1-year MFP master’s fellowship provides students with specialized training on mental health and substance use disorder issues, a monetary stipend, and access to mentoring and professional development support. Apply now.  


Call for Education Resources Focused on Technology
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgent need to explore the future of technology in social work education. In response, CSWE’s new Technology Advisory Group has created a space where members can find and share technology-related resources covering topics such as how to use technology in the classroom and teaching about the use of technology in social work practice. To learn more about this initiative or submit resources, visit this page.

Learning Academy Substance Use Course Available Online
The CSWE Learning Academy has announced a new online course where CSWE members can earn CEs. The course covers substance use disorders and addresses substance use policy, stigma, and how to incorporate the subject into social work courses. Registration is free, and the course is available on demand.


Don’t Miss Your Chance to Register for the IPEC Institute
The May 2021 IPEC Institute is returning to the popular theme of building interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) with a view toward increasing faculty readiness and student preparation to deliver on health equity. IPEC will hold its next Institute virtually on May 18, 20, 25, and 27, 2021. Participants will engage with national leaders in acquiring the building blocks for IPECP. Institute attendees will spend significant time planning, building, designing, assessing, and acting on their IPECP goals and projects. Register here.


Submit Your Feedback on the 2022 EPAS
The CSWE Commission on Educational Policy and Commission on Accreditation are pleased to announce the first draft of the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). The first draft of the proposed changes for the 2022 educational policy was distributed for public review and comment in fall 2019. Please complete this feedback survey of the 2022 EPAS first draft by May 18, 2021. The survey is formatted to provide you with a summary of the proposed revisions made to each section of EPAS. The feedback from this survey will be incorporated into the second draft of EPAS, which will be released in fall 2021. For more information, visit the CSWE website.


UBuffalo Social Work Creates Racial Justice Network
The University of Buffalo School of Social Work’s Racial Justice Network is a cooperative pluralist approach to cultivating racial equity in academic programs, research agendas, administrative policies, and informal culture. Learn more in their latest blog post.
NOFSW Webinar: Anti-Oppressive Practice With Returning Citizens
The National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW) will host a webinar, “Anti-Oppressive Practice With Returning Citizens: A Culturally Responsive Approach,” on May 25, 2021, 2:30 PM–4:00 PM (CT). The webinar will consider the social justice origins of social work in the criminal justice system, emphasizing the need for return to its foundational rehabilitation and decarceration efforts. Anti-oppressive and culturally responsive strategies in working with returning citizens and their families will also be discussed. The webinar is free to NOFSW members; $50 for nonmembers. Register here.
Supporting the Mental Health of BIPOC Community College Students
In February the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center held a virtual convening on Supporting the Mental Health of BIPOC Community College Students. Stakeholders from six states discussed challenges, shared promising practices, and identified opportunities to improve services and supports for BIPOC students. Data from recent Healthy Minds Study survey respondents, including rates of depression, anxiety, and service access in college students, was shared. In addition to increases in poorer mental health across a variety of indicators, the responses also illuminate differences by race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, as well as among those attending community colleges versus 4-year institutions. To watch the recording, click here.



External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, May 18, 2021.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.