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Disability Content in Social Work Education

The CSWE Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities recommends the article, “Assessment of Integration of Disability Content into Social Work Education,” printed in the Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, which addresses the medical and strengths-based approaches to disability studies. It also examines how social work programs incorporate disability studies into their diversity courses, primarily to comply with the 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards.
Survey data in the article shows that the topic of disability is primarily addressed in ethics; practice with individuals, families, or groups; and human rights and social and economic justice courses. The authors support an intersectional approach that infuses disability studies throughout the curriculum, which will lead to more well-rounded social work graduates. The article also explores barriers that prevent the inclusion of disability studies.

IPEC and USPHS Honor
2018 Public Health Excellence Award Recipients

On June 26 the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) and the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) announced the recipients of the joint 2018 Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award during the IPEC Summer 2018 Council Meeting in Washington, DC. The recipients from East Tennessee State University were selected for their exceptional achievements related to their project East Tennessee State University Responds to the Opioid Epidemic Through Interprofessional Education, Community Engagement, Research, and Clinical Care. For more information, view the full press release.

2018 USPHS IPEC Award Winners


2018 Annual Program Meeting

Register for APM now!
Prices increase after the Early Bird deadline of August 20, 2018, so make sure to register now! Review the conference program and schedule and download the Preliminary Program to start planning your attendance.
Presenter Registration Deadline
The APM presenter compliance deadline is August 13. Presenters, get your registration in early for the 2018 APM! Presentations are a highlight of the conference, so don’t delay and register by August 13!
APM Final Program Advertising Deadline: August 10
Promote your program or encourage APM participants to visit your booth by placing an advertisement in the 2018 APM Final Program. Reserve your ad by August 10, and be sure to check out the member-only booth + ad packages for a special discount.
Register for the IPE Summit
Learn how to advance team-based practice from experts in the field at the Interprofessional Education (IPE) Summit. Register today for this postconference event!
Attend the Field Education Institute
Broaden the impact of social work and learn best practices in interprofessional field education—attend the preconference Field Education Institute at the APM!
Thank You to the 2018 APM Premier & Platinum Sponsors
Thanks to the 2018 APM sponsors for their generous support, which helps make the APM possible. View sponsorship opportunities here and contact Allison Moon to join your peers as a 2018 APM sponsor today.

Premier Sponsors—$10,000 Platinum Sponsors—$7,500
UNE Online Arizona State University School of Social Work
USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Capella University
University of Washington School of Social Work Our Lady of the Lake University Worden School of Social Service
  Sacred Heart University
  University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work
  University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work
  University of Texas Arlington School of Social Work
  The University of Utah College of Social Work


Welcome New Schools to SocialWorkCAS
Please welcome Tennessee State University, University of Montana, and York College of The City University of New York to the SocialWorkCAS family. To see a list of participating programs and learn how to join, please click here or contact us at

Carl A. Scott Memorial

Apply for the Carl A. Scott Book Scholarship
Applications are being accepted for the Carl A. Scott Book Scholarship via the online application system, with a deadline of July 31, 2018, 11:59 pm ET. More information, including eligibility requirements, is posted on the Carl A. Scott Memorial Fund Web page.


CSWE 2018 Bylaws Revisions Approved
The 2018 Bylaws revisions were approved on June 26, 2018. Barbara Shank, chair of the Board of Directors, voted on behalf of the 592 proxy ballots submitted. The revised bylaws are in effect as of July 1, 2018.

Careers at CSWE

CSWE is recruiting to fill the following openings. To apply, submit a cover letter of interest, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or


Resources for Members

Informational Webinar on National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign
For more information on the National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign and how you can get involved, attend a webinar on August 2, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm ET. Request a webinar link by e-mailing

Managing Clinician Burnout Webinar
Provided by TRAIN Learning Network, Managing Clinician Burnout: An Inter-Professional Case Presentation is a live webinar that seeks to provide Veterans Administration mental health clinicians with an introduction to some fundamental psychodynamic concepts and the clinical techniques they inform, which can address, manage, and often prevent clinician burnout. Through a case presentation and roundtable discussion, this training will show how these concepts provide useful and easily applicable ways to overcome clinical impasses and address ethical dilemmas and painful feelings that are hallmarks of clinician burnout. Register here.

Opportunities for Members

Interprofessional Summit on Addiction Education
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) are co-sponsoring the 2018 IPEC SAMHSA Addiction Education Interprofessional Summit on Enhancing Addiction Education Across the Health Professions to promote addiction education best practices. View the tentative meeting agenda and register here for the summit, held August 16–17 at the Association of American Medical Colleges Learning Center in Washington, DC.
AEA Adoption Initiative; Register Now for Part 2 of I-CARE Webinar
The Adoption Exchange Association (AEA), in partnership with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, launched the Initiative to Create Adoption-Ready Employees program this summer, which targets students, providing information about careers in the field of adoption, job postings, testimonials from adoption professionals, and training. Register now for Part 2 of the I-CARE: Opportunities in the Adoption Field webinar, titled "Rewarding Career Serving Older Children" to be held on August 9, 2018, at 12:00 pm ET. Part 3 of the webinar series will be available in October.

Submission Guidelines

External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, August 7, 2018.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.


2018 APM Final Program Reservations Due
August 10, 2018

CSWE Career Center

Featured Job

Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Loyola University Chicago
(apply for this job)