Andrews University School of Social Work
The Andrews University School of Social Work has partnered with Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted Ministries to design an initiative called “STEPs” (Sensory Trauma Education Programs) that brings awareness to trauma, promotes emotional healing, and provides training sessions and presentations specifically for local refugee churches and groups. Over the last few months MSW students have shared STEPs presentations with several Seventh-Day Adventist refugee groups in the Lake Union. Learn more about the STEPs initiative here.

Public Health Excellence in IPE Collaboration Award
The Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award is a joint effort by the United States Public Health Service and IPEC to recognize interprofessional health education teams that have significantly affected the community through multidisciplinary collaboration on a program to improve health knowledge, awareness, and behavior. The current award cycle opened October 16, 2019, and applications are due by February 3, 2020. Please consider nominating the interprofessional education (IPE) team at your institution.
Now Available: 2018–2019 CSWE Annual Report
The 2018–2019 CSWE Annual Report is now available online! The Annual Report highlights CSWE’s activities and accomplishments and shows key indicators for social work programs, centers and initiatives, advocacy, leadership, and membership. We invite you to take a moment to learn how CSWE, its membership, and affiliated stakeholders worked together this past fiscal year to advance social work education and raise the profile of the profession through their many activities and partnerships. The report was made possible thanks to all the CSWE members, councils, and commissions who shared their passion and expertise this year to help shape the future of the organization and social work education!
Download the Mobile App Now
The 2019 Annual Program Meeting (APM) mobile app is now available! Click here from your mobile device or search “2019 Annual Program Meeting” in your phone’s app store to download the app. The mobile app allows you to search sessions and events and add them to your personal schedule under the "My Event" button. You'll also receive timely notifications with the most up-to-date APM information. The app features floor plans, a list of presenters and exhibitors, FAQs, hotel and transportation information, and much more.
Don’t Miss the E-Poster Presentations at APM
There will be 290 e-poster presentations at the 2019 Annual Program Meeting (APM) with topics spanning all 40 APM tracks and focused on the theme of the conference. E-poster presentations will take place in the exhibit hall (Plaza Ballroom, Plaza Building) on Friday, October 25, and Saturday, October 26, from 10:30 am–5:15 pm. Check the 2019 APM Final Program or mobile app for e-poster presentation titles, and be sure to stop by the exhibit hall to attend these sessions.
New Curricular Guide for Addressing Homelessness
Thanks to an essential partnership with the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services and generous funding provided by the New York Community Trust, the Curricular Guide for Addressing Homelessness is available now. This guide was developed as a resource to strengthen the context on homelessness in social work education and offer more opportunity to discuss how we may address the topic. Printed copies of this and the other books in the 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series will be available at the CSWE Press bookstore (Plaza Foyer, Plaza Building) at the 2019 Annual Program Meeting.

Launch of the Center Library on Diversity and Justice
The Diversity Center is excited to launch its new Center Library on Diversity and Justice, an extensive collection of contemporary books related to social justice activism. This month’s Educator|Resource highlights the complete collection and provides resources for integrating literature into social work courses.
2019 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecturer at APM
University of Georgia professor and director of the Center for Social Justice, Human and Civil Rights, Dr. Llewellyn J. Cornelius (MFP Doctoral 1988) will deliver the 2019 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture at the upcoming Annual Program Meeting in Denver, CO. Dr. Cornelius will present his lecture titled, “Social Work Education and Our Role as Social Justice Liberators.”
Presenting 2019–2020 Doctoral Fellows at APM
Visit the CSWE Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) booth outside the exhibit hall at the 2019 Annual Program Meeting (APM) to learn more about the master's and doctoral student fellowships. Click here to check out presentations by doctoral fellows and MFP Director Dr. Duy Nguyen.
JSWE Article Voting Is Social Work Available for Download
The Journal of Social Work Education article, “Voting Is Social Work: Voices From the National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign” (Mimi Abramovitz, Margaret Sherraden, Kathryn Hill, Tanya Rhodes Smith, Beth Lewis, & Terry Mizrahi), is currently available for free download on the Taylor & Francis Online site for 1 year. Dr. Abramovitz was CSWE’s 2018 Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education Award winner, and Dr. Mizrahi is one of the 2019 Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award winners.
Call for Nominations for 2020 Election
CSWE is seeking nominations of qualified candidates to serve on its Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee. Nominations are due by Monday, November 4, 2019; however, sending nominations prior to the 2019 Annual Program Meeting (October 24) is strongly encouraged. Click here for additional information.
AGPA Connect 2020: American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting
American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) Connect is an educational training event designed for clinicians, mental health workers, psychiatric residents, and graduate students in mental health degree programs. The institute will be held March 3–4, 2020, and will be devoted to small group teaching primarily in the experiential mode. The conference will be held March 5–7 and will offer a variety of formats including courses, limited registration workshops, open session panels on special topics, and original scientific paper sessions. To learn more and register for the event, click here.
Call for Proposals: $1,500 APF Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford Grant
The American Psychological Foundation (APF) seeks applications for the APF Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford Grant. The grant provides up to $1,500 to support innovative work by graduate students and early career researchers on the understanding, prevention, and/or treatment of the consequences of exposure to traumatic events such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or rape. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2020.
2020 Anxiety and Depression Conference
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) 2020 40th Annual Conference (March 19–22, San Antonio, TX) will bring together 1,400 clinicians and researchers from around the world who want to improve treatments and find cures for anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders. Attendees can choose from 160+ sessions, hear engaging plenary speakers, learn about cutting-edge thinking in research and clinical practice, and earn CEs and CMEs.
CSWE is recruiting for the program associate for curricular resources position. To apply for this career opportunity at CSWE, please submit a cover letter of interest, résumé, and salary requirement to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or jobs@cswe.org.
External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, November 12, 2019.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.