UMB School of Social Work's Promise Heights Receives $30M Grant
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Promise Heights, an initiative led by the University of Maryland School of Social Work, a 5-year, $30 million grant to continue its efforts to improve the lives of children and families in the West Baltimore neighborhood of Upton/Druid Heights.
Now Available: Report on Field Education

We are pleased to announce the release of the
State of Field Education Survey: A Survey of Directors of Field Education on Administrative Models, Staffing, and Resources. The 2015 survey of field directors was an initiative of the CSWE
Council on Field Education under the leadership of past chairs, Jo Ann McFall and Rebecca Brigham.
An executive summary of the 2015 survey provided a broad overview of the findings. This second report provides additional information related to the field director/coordinator experience and how it relates to field education. The report helps answer many critical questions about how our field education programs are organized, who is leading them, and various resources needed.
CSWE thanks all the field directors and coordinators who took time to participate in the survey and those who served on the survey work group.
APM 2018 Updates
2018 APM Final Program Available Online
Preview all the activities, awards, education sessions, and gatherings at CSWE’s 2018 Annual Program Meeting in Orlando, FL! The 2018 APM Final Program is now online to help you plan your time at the conference.
Start Planning Your APM
Use the interactive scheduler to search and review education sessions, workshops, and events, then add them to your personalized agenda. Your personalized agenda will also transfer to the 2018 APM mobile app once downloaded. Stay tuned for instructions on how to download the 2018 APM mobile app!
Shuttle Services at APM
Shuttles will be provided between the overflow hotels and the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin hotel. Pickup and drop-off locations and hours can be found here.
Join the Conversation at #APM18 With Social Media
Learn the best ways to use social media during the APM and drop in on the “Get Connected at #APM18” information session on Thursday, November 8 any time between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm in Asia 4, Lobby/Third Level. Peer social media experts will be on hand to help you set up a Twitter account, explain how to use the #APM18 hashtag, and provide general advice on how to use social media during the meeting.
Disability Curricular Guide Session at the APM
Learn more about CSWE’s Curricular Guide on Issues of Disability and Disability-Competent Care at the special session, “Building Skills to Integrate Disability-Competent Practice Into the Social Work Curriculum,” on Saturday, November 10 at 7:30 am in Oceanic 3, Lobby/Third Level. The guide will provide a wide variety of classroom resources, including learning outcomes according to the 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Process Standards competencies, in-class exercises, fact-sheets, assignments, readings, media examples, personal stories, and assessments.
Early Career Faculty: This Event Is for You
Time is running out to register for the Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty! This new and highly interactive event is designed for educators with 3 years teaching experience or fewer. Register today—space is limited, and registration closes November 4. Learn more about this event and register here.
Institutional Research
Now Available: 2017 Annual Statistics on Social Work Education
The 2017 Annual Statistics on Social Work Education in the United States report is available now. This report includes the most current and comprehensive collection of information related to social work education. The summary provides a broad picture of social work program offerings, students, and faculty members, including enrollment numbers, demographics, student loan debt, and salary information. The data can be used to inform policy decisions, identify issues and trends, and assist in social work education research.
Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice

Motivating Critical Thinking and Empathy in Students Resource
The first Diversity Center Educator|Resource of the Month features a new social justice course guide, Social Justice 101: Teaching Empathy and Critical Thinking Using Books with Powerful Messages on Social Justice. The guide contains a list of 100+ books, including memoirs, fiction, and activism and a PowerPoint file of book cover images and descriptions, plus a full syllabus, a set of assignments, and educator teaching resources.
SocialWorkCAS at the CSWE APM
Stop by the SocialWorkCAS booth (#600) during the CSWE APM to discuss admissions trends, review the latest updates to Liaison's technology, and discover how SocialWorkCAS can help meet your enrollment goals. If you want to join an education session at the APM about SocialWorkCAS, e-mail SocialWorkCAS@cswe.org or visit the booth to secure a spot.
CSWE Publications
New CSWE Press Book Available
CSWE Press has published Activating a Teaching–Learning Philosophy: A Practical Guide for Educators, by Erlene Grise-Owens, J. Jay Miller, and Larry W. Owens. This how-to manual provides a structured framework for developing a comprehensive teaching–learning philosophy from articulation through implementation to evaluation—and then reactivation.
CSWE Minority Fellowship Program
MFP Announces 2018–2019 Doctoral and Master’s Fellowship Cohorts
CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program is pleased to announce this year’s cohort of doctoral fellows including 11 returning and 14 new fellows, and the cohort of master’s fellows including 41 new direct practice-focused fellows.
Carl A. Scott Memorial
Fund Announces 2018–2019 Book Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the 2018–2019 Carl A. Scott Book Scholarship recipients! The winners will be acknowledged during the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture on Friday, November 9, 2018, at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting.
Call for Nominations for 2019 CSWE Election
CSWE seeks nominations for six vacancies on its Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee. Click here to view the vacancies and submit your nomination.
Social Work Education Opportunities
REALYST Collaborative Works to End Youth Homelessness
The Research, Education, and Advocacy Co-Lab for Youth Stability and Thriving, or REALYST, is a national collaborative of academic and community partners that uses research to inform innovative policies, programs, and services aimed at ending homelessness and housing instability among young people. Read about their work in this post on the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services' blog.
Policy Clearinghouse Resources
The Policy Clearinghouse is always looking for additional resources to ensure an up-to-date and robust catalogue of resources. Please visit the clearinghouse to obtain policy related resources or to submit resources.
2019 Network for Social Work Managers Conference Call for Proposals
The Network for Social Work Managers is accepting proposals for the 2019 Conference “Accelerating Impact: Harnessing the Power of Human, Social, and Financial Innovation.” The conference will be held May 29–June 1, 2018, in Chicago, IL.
In Related News
Submission Guidelines
Please note, the content deadline for the November 2018 issue of CSWE Compass has been adjusted to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday. The new content deadline is Tuesday, November 20, 2018. Compass will be distributed on November 29.
Submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, and Opportunities for Members sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.