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Message From the President

Happy New Year!

Although the winter break may already feel like a blur, I’m hoping that you spent some time in reflection about our achievements in 2017 and are ready to approach 2018 with renewed energy and commitment. Knowing that I am a part of a community of change agents feeds my soul. Thank you!

It is fitting that we start the year acknowledging Dr. Martin Luther King. I imagine that many of you joined organizations and programs across the country on January 15 for a Day of Service to commemorate his birthday. I am grateful for this effort that provides opportunities for action to remember a man of action.

January is also National Mentoring Month. This is a great time to thank those who have contributed to your professional growth and to commit to nurturing future leaders in social work and social work education. If you have enjoyed a long career in social work education, make mentoring the next generation part of your legacy. If you are relatively new as an educator, identify and seek out relationships with people you admire. And if you are midcareer, do both! We are most definitely stronger together—mentoring and being mentored is one way to realize this.

In this newsletter, we provide an update on new and continuing initiatives at CSWE. Questions? Ideas? Reach out and let us know!

Have a wonderful start to 2018.

In partnership,
Darla Spence Coffee
CSWE President and CEO

2018 Annual Program Meeting

Apply for 2018 CSWE Professional Awards
CSWE is seeking nominations for its 2018 professional recognition awards: Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education Award, Distinguished Recent Contributions to Social Work Education Award, and Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award. Nomination materials are due by February 1, 2018.

2018 APM Call for Proposals Now Open
CSWE invites proposals for the 2018 Annual Program Meeting (APM) November 8–11 in Orlando, Florida. The conference theme, Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice, reflects a call to action for social work educators to infuse interprofessional education into curricula to prepare students for collaborative practice focused on social justice; submit your proposal by Monday, February 12, 2018, at 11:59 pm (USA ET).

Reserve Your 2018 APM Booth Space Now
Premium exhibit booth spaces are already sold out, and the exhibit hall is filling up quickly, but there are still booths available with great visibility! To enter the new, online, self-reservation portal and start your reservation, click here. Be sure to browse the 2018 APM Prospectus for more information on exhibiting, advertising, and sponsoring at the 2018 APM!

Katherine A. Kendall Institute

China Collaborative Concludes, Report Now Available
The 5-year China Collaborative (2012–2017) has concluded, and a final report is available for review. The Collaborative collected input from the Council on Social Work Education’s Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education and the International Association of Schools of Social Work, with consultation from the China Association of Social Work Education. These three organizations oversaw the development of seven regional partnerships in China and guided the Collaborative in its work.

Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice

Call for Papers Extended to Jan. 31
Submit your manuscript by January 31, 2018, for a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work titled Advances in Social Work Practice With Multicultural Communities. Submissions will be reviewed as they are received.

CSWE Minority Fellowship Program

MFP Doctoral Fellowship Application Open
The 2018–2019 Doctoral Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) application period is open with a deadline of February 28, 2018, at 11:59 pm (ET). Application instructions are posted on the MFP How to Apply page.

CSWE Centers & Initiatives

Call for Nominations: 2018 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture
The CSWE Commission for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice is accepting nominations for the 2018 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture Series. Click here for more information.
RFP for Policy Practice in Field Education
The CSWE Policy Practice in Field Education Initiative is accepting proposals for funding opportunities from schools of social work to improve the capacity of social workers to address policy issues. This third cycle of funding is made possible with generous funding from the New York Community Trust. Applications are due by February 16, 2018 at 5:00 pm ET; click here to apply.

Resources for Members

Human Trafficking Awareness Month Resources
In support of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers resources to help educate child welfare professionals, families/caregivers, health-care providers, justice system professionals, policymakers, school personnel, and survivors regarding the signs of trafficking and services for human trafficking survivors.

Submission Guidelines

External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, February 6, 2017.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.

Upcoming Events

American Group Psychotherapy Association Meeting
Houston, TX
February 26–March 3, 2018

CSWE Career Center
Featured Job

Associate Professor
North Carolina A&T State University
(apply for this job)