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LSU School of Social Work Announces Partnership to Develop the National Suicidology Training Center
Louisiana State University’s (LSU) School of Social Work, in partnership with the Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center Inc., has launched the LSU School of Social Work Training Center to develop resources and training for suicide prevention, intervention, postvention, and other training for on-going social work education for the establishment of a new program, the National Suicidology Training Center. This collaboration will provide trainees with access to internationally known content experts in a limited-participant setting to maximize learning experiences. Learn more about the Training Center here.


Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice


Curricular Resource on Issues of Disability-Competent Care

This month’s Educator|Resource introduces Curricular Resource on Issues of Disability and Disability-Competent Care for integrating disability content into social work courses. The resource outlines how content on disability aligns with specific values and competencies of social work education as defined by CSWE’s 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards and provides rich classroom resources for social work educators, including in-class exercises, slides, readings, and assignments.


Live Webinar on Accreditation of DSW Programs
Join CSWE for the second webinar in our series CSWEducation Connections: Real-Time Conversations on Pressing Issues in Social Work Education, where we’ll discuss accreditation of practice doctoral programs. Mark your calendar for December 5, 2018, at 1:00 pm ET, and learn more here.
New EPAS Curricular Guides Available for Download
CSWE has released new curricular guides to the 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series to address the topics of macro social work and licensing and regulation. CSWE collaborated with the Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice, the Network of Social Work Managers, Influencing Social Policy, the Association of Social Work Boards, and the NASW Insurance Company Risk Retention Group to develop these publications.

CSWE Leadership Institute

Summer Leadership Scholarship Program Application Now Open
The CSWE 2019 Summer Leadership Scholarship Program application cycle is now open! Please click here for more details.

CSWE Learning Academy

Free Course: Risky Drinking and Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies
New on the CSWE Learning Academy, earn continuing education credits through our free online course Women, Risky Drinking, and Alcohol-exposed Pregnancies: A Framework for Field Instructors, which addresses high-risk drinking behaviors in women and the potential for adverse health and reproductive outcomes. Learn more and register here.

CSWE Publications

New CSWE Press Book Published
CSWE Press has published A Guide to Interprofessional Collaboration, edited by Aidyn L. Iachini, Laura R. Bronstein, and Elizabeth Mellin. This timely book, which includes case examples, practice tips, and multimedia links, helps students and practitioners develop the skills necessary to engage in interprofessional collaborative practice.


Call for Nominations for 2019 CSWE Election   
CSWE seeks nominations for its Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee. Click here to view the vacancies and submit your nomination. 

Opportunities & Resources for Members

Training Series: Coping With the Unique Challenges of Kinship Care
The Annie E. Casey Foundation has announced a training series for caregivers, which is now available online at no cost. This training series, Coping With the Unique Challenges of Kinship Care, is a companion training resource to Engaging Kinship Caregivers: Managing Risk Factors in Kinship Care, a five-part series to strengthen child welfare professionals’ ability to support families.
Improving the Health of Chronically Homeless Adults
In September Dr. Suzanne Wenzel, professor at the University of Southern California Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, presented at a research symposium on the impacts of permanent supportive housing on health outcomes for people experiencing chronic homelessness. Read more about the event in this post on the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services blog.
2019 AEA Conference for Current & Future Foster Care Adoption Professionals
The Adoption Exchange Association’s (AEA) 2019 Adoption Conference, “Inspiring Leadership in Adoption,” will be held April 29–30, 2019, in Orlando, Florida, at the Rosen Plaza Hotel. The conference will include general sessions, workshops, a national match event, facilitated roundtables for leaders in adoption, and networking opportunities for professionals at all levels, including students and retirees.
Call for Proposals for the 6th Annual Global Well-Being and Social Change Conference
This year’s conference, Social Justice: Valuing Difference, Pursuing Equity, and Finding Space for Solidarity, invites presentations (paper, roundtable, and workshop) that explore the realization of social justice and human rights and their myriad dimensions and manifestations. 
Academy for Professionalism in Health Care: Social Justice and Professionalism Conference
The 2019 Academy for Professionalism in Health Care’s annual conference will explore social justice in health professions education and practice. To learn more about the meeting and submit an abstract, visit their Abstract Submission 2019 APHC Annual Meeting page.

Careers at CSWE

CSWE is recruiting for the Research Specialist/Manager position. To apply for these career opportunities at CSWE, please submit a cover letter of interest, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or

In Related News

Submission Guidelines

Please note, the content deadline for the December 2018 issue of CSWE Compass has been adjusted to accommodate the holidays. The new content deadline is Tuesday, December 11, 2018. Compass will be distributed on December 20.

Submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, and Opportunities for Members sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.