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CSWE Full Circle May 2015

National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services Receives Funding

The University at Albany School of Social Welfare has received a $100,000 grant from the New York Community Trust to support the school’s National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services. The grant will fund the center's efforts to launch a National Homelessness Social Work Initiative aimed at bringing together social work programs from across the nation to make homelessness a professional priority and foster stronger relationships between schools of social work and agencies helping people experiencing homelessness. The center will provide stipends for partner schools to support the project activities and the dissemination of homelessness curricula tools, ideas, and strategies.

The National Center for Excellence was launched in 2013 to help strengthen programs that transform the lives of all homeless children and adults. The center has an emphasis on developing leadership within and across agencies serving this population, providing guidance on innovative funding opportunities, and supporting the use of evidence-based and emerging practices. The center’s blog and website will feature updates on grant activities and progress and will feature the accomplishments of partner schools. Throughout this project, the Council on Social Work Education will engage the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as well as other agencies and schools of social work.