Opportunities for Members
BPD Call for Proposals
The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD) is accepting proposals for the 2016 Annual Conference March 30th to April 3rd in Dallas, TX.
Ten Programs Selected for Social Work and Healthcare Initiative
CSWE is pleased to announce that 10 programs were selected to participate in Social Work HEALS: Social Work Healthcare Education and Leadership Scholars. Learn more about Social Work HEALS and see the selected programs here.
Adolescent SBIRT Grants
NORC will be offering grants of up $10,000 to 30 schools of social work to support the implementation and evaluation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) curriculum and who are participating in their learning collaborative. For more information about the project and grant opportunity, visit the Adolescent SBIRT Learning Collaborative page.
Call for Proposals From the One Health Initiative
The One Health Case Study project aims to engage faculty in developing interprofessional teaching cases as well as case studies specific to an individual field of study; they are seeking proposals for new, previously unpublished case studies. Proposals are due by Friday, June 12, 2015; click here for more information.