University of Illinois SSW Hosts Year-Long Technology Lecture Series
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Social Work is holding a year-long lecture series designed to meet the profession's grand challenge of "Harnessing Technology for Social Good." The series is designed to present innovative applications of technology powered by science to expand new opportunities and collaborations for reaching more people with greater impact on society's most vexing social problems.
In Celebration of the Life of Dr. Doreen Elliott (May 3, 1941–July 31, 2018)
Dr. Doreen Elliott made many contributions to CSWE, including a distinguished term as chair of the CSWE Commission on Global Social Work Education. Dr. Elliott also won the commission’s Annual Partners in International Education (PIE) Award in 2007, and contributed to a disaster planning resource, which was presented at a seminar sponsored by the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work, CSWE, IASSW and NACASSW in Barbados, January 2007. She was a dedicated educator and outstanding leader in international social work education.
Support the Women's Council Networking Breakfast
The Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (Women’s Council), through their Networking Breakfast at CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting, provides a valuable platform that honors feminist research and thought while offering a unique opportunity to network with leaders in social work education. If your program shares the values of this council, we hope you will consider contributing to the Women’s Council Networking Breakfast, November 10, in Orlando, FL.
CSWE/SAGE Innovation Awardees Announced
SAGE Publications and the Council on Social Work Education are proud to announce the four recipients of the 2018 SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education Award and one recipient of the 2018 SAGE/CSWE 2018 Commission on Research Faculty Award for Innovation in Research Instruction.
Thank You to the 2018 APM Silver and Bronze Sponsors
Thanks to the 2018 APM sponsors for their generous support, which helps make the APM possible. View sponsorship opportunities here, and contact Allison Moon by Oct. 5 to join your peers as a 2018 APM sponsor.
Announcing the 2018 KAKI Grant Recipients!
The Katherine A. Kendall Institute (KAKI) is thrilled to announce this year’s selection of five KAKI grantees. Learn more about their projects and keep track of their progress on our website!
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, the Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice features three books that inform social work practice with Latino immigrants. Explore two in-depth ethnographic studies on the interface of immigrants with the child welfare and immigration systems and an investigative journalism account of the arduous journey of a young Honduran boy to the United States.
Spread the Word About Health Professions Week
For the third consecutive year, CSWE will participate in Health Professions Week, a FREE week-long series of interactive events for high school and college students interested in the health professions. Download and print the promotional flyer to distribute to your networks or display on community boards. The virtual events will be held November 5–9; registration is free but required.
Helping Students Prepare for a Health Career
The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work’s Amber Mollhagen will represent the social work profession on a webinar that will help high school students prepare for careers in health professions. The webinar on Oct. 18 is a pre-event to the 2018 Health Professions Week virtual event and available to National Society of High School Scholars members.
New Resource for Educators Teaching Trauma-Related Content
The Council on Social Work Education and Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service have published the Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice, the latest resource in the 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) Curricular Guide Resource Series. Read more here.
Invitation to Participate: IASSW World Census of Social Work Education Programs, 2020 Directory
Every 10 years the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) conducts a world census of social work education programs offering at least one degree program in social work. The major outcome of the census is a directory of contact details for all social work education programs in the world. Please complete this survey and help IASSW include as many social work training institutions as possible.
AEA Adoption Initiative; Register Now for Part 3 of I-CARE Webinar
The Adoption Exchange Association (AEA), in partnership with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, launched the Initiative to Create Adoption-Ready Employees (I-CARE) program this summer. The program targets students, providing information about careers in the field of adoption, job postings, testimonials from adoption professionals, and training. Register now for Part 3 of the I-CARE: Opportunities in the Adoption Field webinar, titled "Working to Make Unadoptable Unacceptable" to be presented October 11, 2018, at 12:00 pm ET.
Call for Proposals: $3,500 APF Trauma Psychology Grant
The American Psychological Foundation’s (APF) 2019 Trauma Psychology Grant supports innovative work to alleviate trauma. Applicants must be early career psychologists (doctoral level psychologists who are no more than 10 years postdoctoral). One grant of up to $3,500 will be awarded. The deadline for proposals is February 15, 2019.
External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, October 16, 2018.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.