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A Note on the 2017 APM and Texas Senate Bill 6

Dear Colleagues,

As you probably know, the 2017 CSWE Annual Program Meeting (APM) is scheduled to be held October 19–22 in Dallas, Texas. Texas Senate Bill 6 (“Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility”) has been top of mind at CSWE. We are closely monitoring the progress of this proposed legislation that directly affects our members and those whom we serve. The tensions between the Texas House and Senate have been well-documented in the news, and the outcome is far from certain at this point.

As for APM, site selection is done at least 5 years in advance to accommodate the size and scope of our conference. As we became aware of the proposed legislation in Texas, our first action was to explore the possibility of moving the conference—and discovered that such a change would come at an exorbitant cost. To address similar potential conflicts in the future, the CSWE Board of Directors asked the Council on Conferences and Faculty Development, a council of the Commission on Membership and Professional Development, to make recommendations for the development of a Socially Responsible Conference Planning policy. We are grateful to the members of these two groups for their wise counsel on the issues, and particularly for the leadership of Dr. Maureen Rubin and Dr. Cheryl Parks. The CSWE Board received those recommendations on March 24, 2017, and they are currently under review.

As for the Dallas APM, we join you in advocating for inclusive and nondiscriminatory polices and will continue to monitor the situation. We have also created space at the conference to feature a panel of local agency representatives and advocates faced with conducting business in the context of a challenging political environment. The session is scheduled for Friday, October 20, 2017, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm. It will be held in a general session room and will be recorded, so that we can make it available after the conference to our members. We thank the members of the Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression  for partnering with us on this presentation. Stay tuned for more details.

DSCoffey-Signature.jpg                           BWShank-Signature-(1).jpg
Darla Spence Coffey                                Barbara W. Shank


Incorporating SOAR Training Into Social Work Education

The National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services (NCEHS) is working in partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance Center. Last fall, three NCEHS partner schools launched SOAR initiatives, which were featured in the August issue of this newsletter and on the National Center’s blog. Following are progress updates from each school.
The University of Texas at Austin launched its SOAR internship pilot in fall 2016, with three MSW students completing the SOAR Online Course. Since completing their certification, the students have worked on applications under the supervision of the local SOAR lead. Feedback from participating agencies has been positive, and the school is looking for ways to expand the pilot next year. In February Linda Plitt Donaldson (Catholic University of America) facilitated a strategic planning meeting for the Washington, DC, SOAR team. SOAR leaders may invite further involvement by the school to support pursuing the goals identified during this process. California State University at Long Beach had students complete the SOAR certification and gain experience using the tool as part of a newly developed advanced practice elective course on homelessness. Additionally, the school is collaborating with social work programs in Los Angeles and surrounding counties to develop a plan to provide SOAR training to all interns placed in homeless service agencies.
These three projects are excellent examples of integrating homelessness content and related skills into social work curricula. If you are interested in other ways to do this, check out the CSWE Learning Academy’s on-demand webinar series on homelessness in social work education. More about the projects described here and about SOAR can be found in this recent NCEHS blog post.


National Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Milestones & Resources

Sexual Assault Awareness Month increases public awareness about sexual violence and its impact on global public health, human rights, and social justice. To recognize this campaign and highlight the milestones it has achieved, CSWE has provided online resources (e.g., documentaries, college campus support networks, public policy) with information about increasing community engagement and volunteerism.

Sexual Assault Awareness Milestone Timeline

1971: First known use of the terms sexual assault and sexual harassment (Merriam-Webster)

1990: National Network to End Domestic Violence founded to be the leading voice for survivors of domestic violence and their allies

1974: Feminist Alliance Against Rape (FAAR) formed in Washington, DC, as a national organization for community-based and feminist-controlled antirape projects

1994: Violence Against Women Act of 1994 was passed; funded services and civil rights remedies for victims, provided sensitivity training for police and court officials, and created a national 24-hour hotline (NWHP)

1976: Alliance Against Sexual Coercion founded; first U.S. group to provide services to women who were sexually harassed in the workplace

1998: Two Supreme Court cases ruled that employers are liable for sexual harassment even when a supervisor’s threats are not carried out.

1977: National Coalition Network for the Elimination of Violence Against Women published the first national newsletter on battered women (FAAR-AEGIS)

2001–2002: United States first observed National Sexual Assault Awareness Month; National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) developed 5-year plan to increase national awareness, promoting a teal ribbon as the national symbol

1978: San Francisco and New York City held first U.S. Take Back the Night events (NSVRC)

2005: Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act; allocates federal funds to aid victims, provide housing, and created intervention programs for children (NWHP)

1980: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states that sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII.

2013: Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act; extends coverage to women of Native American tribal lands, lesbians, and immigrants (NWHP)

1986: Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson; set precedent that speech in of itself can create an abusive or hostile environment, which violates the law.

2014: President Obama and Vice President Biden launched It’s On Us initiative to educate, engage, and empower college students to prevent sexual assault on campus.


  • Documentaries

    • Audrie & Daisy (2016), a documentary examining the impact on families, friends, and schools of young women who have been sexually assaulted

    • The Hunting Ground (2015), a documentary about rape and sexual assault on college campuses

    • It Happened Here (2014), a documentary detailing the experiences of cross-country athlete, student scholar, and campus rape victim Angie Epifano at Amherst College

    • The Invisible War (2012), an Academy Award Nominee Best Documentary Feature and investigative documentary about the rape of soldiers in the U.S. military



  • Engagement & Volunteer Opportunities

    • See NSVRC resources for raising awareness and changing the culture to prevent sexual assault in your community.

    • Take the It’s On Us pledge to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault.

    • Volunteer to support survivors with RAINN.

    • Learn how take action against sexual assault on college campuses via End Rape on Campus.

2017 Annual Program Meeting

Register Now for the 2017 APM!
Registration for the 2017 Annual Program Meeting (APM) is now open! The keynote address will feature Dr. Gloria Wilder, founder of Core Health & Wellness Center, a community-driven social justice solutions company that is dedicated to helping health providers in underserved communities improve their quality of service.

2017 Exhibitor Prospectus is Now Available
Our new Annual Program Meeting (APM) Exhibitor Prospectus describes the various sponsorship and advertising opportunities at the 2017 CSWE APM in Dallas, TX, October 19–22. Please take time to view the Prospectus and let us know how we can help you customize your marketing plan and expand your engagement with APM attendees this year.

CSWE Katherine A. Kendall Institute

Call for Nominations
In preparation for the 2017 APM, the Commission on Global Social Work Education is now accepting nominations for the Hokenstad International Lecture and the PIE Awards, which are due May 15.
Global Social Issues: Informational Brief
CSWE Council on Global Social Issues member Jo Daugherty Bailey and Alina Costin from Romania have written an informational brief discussing Early School Leavers in Romania.

Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice

Webinar: Responding to the New Political Climate
A recording of the webinar, “How should social work education respond to the changing political landscape?” is now available. To access it free of charge, please go to CSWE Learning Academy (non-CSWE members may access it by creating a free account).


Resources and Upcoming Events
Interested in learning more about SocialWorkCAS? Fill out this brief form to access information, resources, and upcoming events.

CSWE Learning Academy

Online Field Director Course Now Available
"Managing a Field Education Program: A Training for New Field Directors" is available now on the CSWE Learning Academy! This online, on-demand course is intended for field directors with less than a year of experience.

CSWE Minority Fellowship Program

MFP-Youth Master’s Student Application Now Open
CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) 2017–2018 MFP-Youth master’s student application period is now open with a deadline for submission of Friday, May 12, 2017, at 11:59 pm ET. Application instructions are posted on the MFP-Y How to Apply page.

CSWE Publications

JSWE Call for Submissions
The Journal of Social Work Education invites submissions for a special section titled “Practices and Policies for Doctoral Education and Leadership.” The special section is scheduled for publication with the fall 2018 issue; submission deadline is August 11, 2017.


CSWE Elections Now Open
The CSWE elections for Board of Directors and the National Nominating Committee will be open from Tuesday, April 18 to Tuesday, May 9. Online ballots will be sent to those who have met the March 3 deadline for membership. Candidate statements are now available.

Opportunities for Members

HAPF Spring 2017 Symposium
The 2016–2017 Health and Aging Policy Fellows (HAPF) are hosting a symposium on May 12, 2017, titled “The Short-Term Future of Long-Term Care.” The 1-day symposium held in Washington, DC, will include panels of leading policy experts discussing issues and challenges regarding access, quality, and cost of long-term and palliative care in a rapidly changing policy environment.


CSWE and Cohen Veterans Network Partner to Create Military Social Work Curricular Guide
In collaboration with the CSWE, the Cohen Veterans Network (CVN), a private foundation dedicated to improving mental health care of veterans, is generously sponsoring the creation of a comprehensive military social work curricular guide for social work programs and educators.

CSWE CEO Elected as Distinguished Fellow
Darla Spence Coffey, MSW, PhD, president and CEO of CSWE, has been elected as a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) Social Work Academy, the NAP’s most honored membership group.
Join Social Workers at March for Science on April 22
Demonstrate social workers’ passion, commitment, and contributions to science by participating in the March for Science on April 22. 

Spring Governance Panel Video on Public Policy Now Available
A thought-provoking panel discussion, in collaboration with CSWE’s Public Policy Initiative, took place during CSWE's Spring Governance Meeting on March 23, 2017. A full-length video of the session, titled “Enduring Principles, New Environment: The Path Ahead for Social Work Advocacy,” is now available on CSWE's YouTube channel.

Submission Guidelines

External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, May 9, 2016.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.

Upcoming Events

Social Workers Join March for Science
April 22, 2017
Washington, DC

Volunteer Applications for Commissions Due
April 30, 2017

CSWE Career Center
Featured Job

Department Chair: Social Work
Austin Peay State University
(apply for this job)