Dear Colleague,
As we near the 2021 Annual Program Meeting (APM) in November, I would like to address questions we have heard from you regarding the status and format of the event. We understand the difficulties of planning to attend an in-person event in these challenging and ever-changing times.
We empathize with you as you review your options. We hear you, we see you, and we thank you for your continued patience and support.
We are currently exploring a virtual component for the 2021 APM that would provide access to the plenary sessions as well as select presentations from the 40 education tracks. These sessions and other content would be available after the in-person event. We appreciate your patience as this platform is developed, and we expect to have an update for you later this month.
At the same time, CSWE is moving forward with an in-person 2021 APM, November 4–7, at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando, FL. CSWE expects that up to 738 presentations that highlight important research and spark critical conversations will be given at APM.
To help ensure the safety of attendees, volunteers, and staff, CSWE will absolutely follow the best practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We will also ask that attendees be vaccinated by the time they attend APM, we will require masks to be worn indoors, and we will make social distancing possible throughout the event space. The Swan and Dolphin has also implemented safety measures to maintain a comfortable environment for guests. CSWE will provide further updates related to health and safety at APM in the coming weeks. Until then, please visit our website for updates to the health and safety guidelines at APM.
We have also heard concerns over laws enacted in Florida, and in other states, that discriminate against people or dictate the conversations that can be had in public classrooms. We are exploring ways for APM attendees to make their voices heard on these matters during APM, and we have raised our own voice in opposition to some of these laws. We are also glad to highlight ways that Florida programs prepare students to advocate for social justice and increase access to critical mental health and health care services. We hope you’ll read more about these wonderful programs in our weekly Compass newsletter.
We hope these measures demonstrate our commitment to keeping you safe should you choose to attend in person, and that you will join CSWE and your colleagues in whatever capacity feels right for you.
We welcome your feedback any time. Please reach out to us at
Darla Spence Coffey