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Council on Global Social Issues:
Recent Accomplishments and Future Projects

Council on Global Social Issues: Recent Accomplishments and Future Projects
The Council on Global Social Issues (CGSI) strives to inform CSWE membership about existing and emerging global social issues and their relevance to local and global social work practice. We accomplish this through a wide range of activities including preparing information briefs, organizing global social issues forums, creating short educational videos, and presenting and publishing our work in special issue journals and other formats.

The most recent accomplishments of the CGSI include the following:

  • With funding from CSWE, a recent 1-day refugee summit at University of North Texas brought together refugee-assisting agencies, individuals with refugee experience, and prominent scholars to develop a critical understanding of the conditions of global refugee populations. The council was also involved with another forum hosted in October 2016 on International Post-Disaster Recovery and Relief at the Sri Lanka Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

  • The CGSI received special project funding from CSWE to create a video on the social work response to the Nepal earthquake of 2015. Through case studies, narratives of survivors, and social work faculty member presentations, this collaborative project with the Nepal School of Social Work was designed to educate CSWE membership about disaster management in postconflict transition countries such as Nepal. The video is currently in production.

  • Information briefs developed by the CGSI on key social issues such as solitary confinement in the United States and early school leavers in Romania have been made available to CSWE membership through Full Circle.

Following is an overview of planned projects for 2017–2018:

  • CGSI members will develop a special issue of the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work titled “The Rise of Nationalism and Neoliberalism: Challenges to Human Rights in Social Work.” The manuscript submission deadline is Nov. 15, 2017. The CGSI strongly encourages you to consider submitting a manuscript. If you have questions, please contact Joanne Bailey or Tanya Voss.

  • Please plan to attend the upcoming Connect Session at the 2017 APM titled “Global Social Issues in National and International Political Contexts.” The session will be held on Saturday, October 21, from 12:45 pm–1:45 pm (Session 394). Panelists will discuss ongoing and planned projects and how they are affected by political events such as the recent U.S. election and related policy changes. Attendees will be invited to discuss their own relevant projects, strategies for linking global and social issues, and concerns for developing such projects of global importance.

The CGSI plans to continue updating the CSWE resource bank on disaster management to include recent social work research articles and syllabi. Stay tuned for more updates!

2017 Annual Program Meeting

2017 APM Mobile App Now Available!
Are you attending APM this week? Download the 2017 APM mobile app for the full up-to-date schedule, session room numbers, event and hotel maps, a list of exhibitors, an interactive Exhibit Hall map, FAQs, and much more.


Connect at APM About SocialWorkCAS
CSWE’s APM is the perfect time to learn more about SocialWorkCAS, the centralized application service for graduate social work programs. Visit the SocialWorkCAS Booth (316) or attend an education session to explore trends in social work admissions and ways to leverage tools and data to streamline your admissions process.  

CSWE Minority Fellowship Program

2017–2018 MFP-Youth Master’s Fellowship Cohort 
Forty master’s students have been awarded CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program-Youth fellowship. Click here for more info.

Carl A. Scott Memorial

Fund Announces 2017–2018 Book Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the 2017–2018 Carl A. Scott Book Scholarship recipients. The winners will be acknowledged during the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture on Saturday, October 21, 2017, at the  CSWE Annual Program Meeting.

CSWE Publications

International Collaboration Text and Presentation at the APM
Visit our new and expanded CSWE Press Bookstore at this year’s APM to purchase any of our publications or DVDs and get free shipping on orders within the United States. While you’re there, make sure to grab a copy of CSWE Press’ latest publication, Practicing as a Social Work Educator in International Collaboration (edited by Alice K. Butterfield and Carol S. Cohen) and attend the authors’ presentation at the APM (Session 354, Lone Star A-4, Conference Center, 2nd floor)!


HRSA's BHWET Award Supports 58 Social Work Programs
The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) has announced the 2017 award recipients of the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) program. CSWE is very pleased to share that of the 136 programs receiving grant money, 58 support social work programs. Read more.

Social Work Educators STAND With Puerto Rico on CrowdRise
The social work educator community has responded with an overwhelming desire to offer support to our colleagues in Puerto Rico affected by Hurricane Maria. CSWE established a fundraising campaign, which will send 100% of dollars raised to our friends of ANAETS, Puerto Rico’s National Association of Social Workers. Click here to donate now.

Resources for Members

New Global Justice and Forensic Education Report Available
The Justia Agenda at Fordham University has recently released an Educational Innovation Advocacy Report on Global Justice and Forensic Education in Social Work.

Submission Guidelines

External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, November 7, 2017.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.