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Columbia’s School of Social Work Receives $86M to Reduce Opioid Deaths
Columbia University’s School of Social Work has been awarded $86 million over multiple years from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health, to support research intended to reduce opioid deaths across New York State. Nabila El-Bassel, university professor and the Willma and Albert Musher Professor of Social Work, and her colleagues secured this major funding based on their community-focused public health interventions. Read more.



Two Upcoming Curricular Resource Opportunities
The Educator|Resource coming up in May will demonstrate how to develop a culturally tailored intervention based on collaboration with community-based partners. The resource will highlight a comprehensive program designed to address disparities for Latinx children with autism spectrum disorder and their families. Also in May, please join us for a webinar on the new Curricular Resource on Issues of Disability and Disability-Competent Care, which will be held on May 2 at 12:30 ET. You can join the webinar here.


APM Exhibitor University Webinar
Exhibitors and prospective exhibitors are encouraged to take advantage of a free educational opportunity to learn all the ins and outs of exhibiting at the Annual Program Meeting (APM). CSWE’s Exhibitor University will show you how to optimize your return on investment and explain new rules that will allow everyone to have a successful APM and exhibit experience. Click here to register for the webinar on May 14 at 1:00 pm ET.
APM Preliminary Ad Artwork Due
If you reserved an advertisement in the 2019 Annual Program Meeting (APM) Preliminary Program, please be sure to submit your ad artwork to Malcolm Randall by May 1. View full details and specifications or learn more about all the marketing and promotion opportunities at APM here.


Renew Your Individual Membership Online
If your CSWE individual membership expired on March 31, 2019, you can renew and/or update your membership online through our secure Membership Portal. Be sure to renew today so you can continue receiving membership benefits and resources.


Submit Feedback on DSW Draft Accreditation Standards
CSWE’s Commission on Educational Policy and Commission on Accreditation joint Practice Doctorate Committee is seeking feedback on the second draft of accreditation standards proposed for practice doctoral programs. Please note this will be your final opportunity to provide feedback. Access the survey here to submit your feedback, or learn more about the process and timeline here.
Help Us Shape the 2022 EPAS
As the first step in updating the 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS), CSWE’s Commission on Educational Policy and Commission on Accreditation are conducting an environmental scan to determine which areas of the standards may need to be revised and any areas that need to be added. Five focus areas have been identified for use in evaluating the current standards, and we are now seeking feedback on the relevance of these focus areas. Provide your feedback on the survey here before it closes on May 4.


Interprofessional Event on Veterinary Social Work
The University of Tennessee’s College of Social Work and College of Veterinary Medicine are hosting the inaugural Access to Veterinary Care Symposium, where attendees will learn about the lack of access to veterinary care. One of the sessions will be led by Dr. Elizabeth Strand, who will facilitate conversation about the role of social work and veterinary social work in the community. View the flyer here or visit the event website.


2019–2020 Enrollment Now Open!
SocialWorkCAS is now enrolling social work programs for the 2019–2020 cycle. E-mail to set up an information session and learn more about the service!


Read the Newest Social Work Workforce Report
The newest report from the National Workforce Initiative, From Social Work Education to Social Work Practice: 2018 Survey of Social Work Graduates, is now available. The report is based on survey results from 2018 graduates of more than 100 MSW and BSW programs. The purpose of this survey was to better understand the job market for social workers, their educational and career pathways, employment outcomes, and job satisfaction. Learn more about the National Workforce Initiative here.
Join the 2019 National Social Work Workforce Study
Your MSW program and future graduates are invited to be a part of the National Workforce Initiative, the only national research survey of recent social work graduates and study of the social work workforce. Help us gather invaluable accurate information that will be analyzed and shared with the social work community and beyond. Learn more.


MFP Master’s Fellowship Application Open
CSWE’s 2019–2020 master’s Minority Fellowship Program application is now open with a deadline of May 23, 2019, at 11:59 pm EDT. Application instructions are posted on the MFP How to Apply page. 


View Candidate Statements for Upcoming BOD and NNC Election
The CSWE National Nominating Committee (NNC) has released the official statements of the nominees for the 2019 CSWE Board of Directors (BOD) and NNC. View statements from the 2019 CSWE election candidates here.
CSWE Strategic Framework Update
Thank you to those who participated in our strategic planning feedback sessions and surveys thus far. We are pleased to announce that the strategic framework was approved by the CSWE Board of Directors in March. The second phase of the process will be developing the strategic priorities for 2020 to 2022 based on the approved strategic framework. These strategic priorities will be presented to the Board of Directors in June. Learn more here.
Due April 30: Council and Commission Volunteer Applications
CSWE members are invited and encouraged to apply to serve on one of our 17 distinguished CSWE commissions or councils. Please view the 2017–2018 CSWE Annual Report here to learn more about CSWE’s accomplishments, including the work and achievements of the commissions and councils. Apply here.


May 2 Webinar on Disability-Competent Practice
As part of the CSWEducation Connections series, the Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities will host a webinar Thursday, May 2, at 12:30 pm titled “Building Skills to Integrate Disability-Competent Practice Into the Social Work Curriculum,” which will feature a new curricular resource. Click here to access the webinar.
Webinar: Why We Should Oppose Repealing Payday and Other Loan Protections
Join the Coalition on Human Needs and Americans for Financial Reform on May 2 at 2:00 pm (EDT) for a webinar that will tell you all about rules that protect consumers from payday loans and other forms of predatory financing and how the current administration is trying to repeal those protections. This webinar will feature expert speakers on the rule change and why it matters, as well as examples of why protections against payday lending work at the state level. Register here.
Upcoming Substance Use Webinar
Register now for the SBIRT Webinar Series and save the date(s) on your calendar! This webinar series is hosted by NORC at the University of Chicago, the Adolescent SBIRT Project, and The BIG Initiative, with funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. The following event is still available for registration:  Integrating Adolescent SBIRT Education into Health Professional Training: Findings From a National Effort to Prepare the Next Workforce.


CSWE is recruiting for the director of accreditation position. To apply for this career opportunity at CSWE, please submit a cover letter of interest, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or


External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, May 14, 2019.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.