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University of Kansas School of Social Welfare Announces New Community Engagement Center
The University of Kansas School of Social Welfare has announced a new Center for Community Engagement & Collaboration. Housed in the school’s Office of Research and its instructional programs, the center’s two divisions will focus on initiatives that broaden and deepen the social welfare school's connections to its valued community partners, particularly its field agencies, alumni, and research partners.



Rethinking Practice With Multicultural Communities
This month's Educator|Resource addresses new ways of approaching social work with multicultural communities calling for integrating cultural richness into practice, re-evaluating how we teach cultural competence, and expanding professional boundaries. This resource is based on a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work and presents six studies that offer tangible approaches to engaging with racial and ethnic communities and assess barriers and challenges posed by current models of social work practice.



Nominate Social Work Leaders for the APM Plenary Sessions
We are seeking social work leaders who will bring innovative perspectives and quality content to the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture and the Hokenstad International Lecture at the 2019 Annual Program Meeting (APM). Take this opportunity to help shape the APM conference program and submit your nominations by March 27.



Announcing the CSWE 2019 Election Slate
The Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) National Nominating Committee is pleased to present the candidates for the open positions on the CSWE Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee. All petitions must be postmarked or faxed by 11:59 pm EST on Thursday, March 7, to be considered valid. Click here for more information.



New Feature: International Social Work Leader Review
In honor of the upcoming Social Work Month, CSWE’s Commission on Global Social Work Education  and Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education (KAKI), announce a new quarterly feature: The International Social Work Leader Review. Available on the KAKI website, the Review highlights a social worker who has made significant contributions to international social work education.
2019 KAKI Grant Request for Proposals Now Open
The Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education (KAKI) is now accepting proposals for the 2019 KAKI Grant. The grant cycle spans 3 years (2019–2022) and offers up to $10,000 for at least three grantees. Learn more



Early Bird Deadline March 15 for Spring 2019 IPEC Institute
There’s still time to receive early bird registration rates for the 2019 Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Faculty Development Institute, a conference that will focus on building a framework for interprofessional education for collaborative practice and be a unique gathering of health professions faculty members, collaborative partners, expert presenters, and staff facilitators. Click here to learn more and register by March 15.
Deadline Extended for 2019 Public Health Excellence in IPE Collaborative Award
The application deadline for the 2019 Public Health Excellence in IPE Collaborative Award has been extended to March 1. The award recognizes interprofessional teams that have collaborated on community programs focused on improving health knowledge, awareness, and behavior. Learn more.



New Report: In-Person Versus Online MSW Graduates
A new data brief from the National Workforce Initiative is now available: A Comparison of In-Person and Online Master’s of Social Work Graduates. The data brief compares the demographic and educational backgrounds, jobs taken, populations served, and job search experience of MSW graduates who primarily received their social work instruction in person compared to those whose instruction was primarily received online.


MFP Doctoral Fellowship Online Q&A Sessions
Interested applicants can join the CSWE Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) director on March 15 or March 22 for an online Q&A session before doctoral fellowship applications are due on March 29, 2019. For more information, see the MFP How to Apply page.


CSWE Press to Release New Technology Book
Teaching Social Work With Digital Technology (by Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, Melanie Sage, and Nancy J. Smythe) was written to help social work educators make pedagogically sound, practical, and ethical decisions about integrating technology into social work programs and across the curriculum. Available now for preorder, this comprehensive resource includes case studies, examples, technology tips, and several appendices of practical materials; copies will ship in March.

JSWE Call for Reviewers Deadline Extended
The Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) is seeking applications from CSWE members who are willing to donate their time and expertise to provide timely, relevant, and high-quality reviews of scholarly manuscripts for a 3-year term. We would like to hear from members who have at least a good beginning record of peer-reviewed publications. Submit your CV and a letter of interest to by Friday, March 15, 2019. All applications will be reviewed by the JSWE Editorial Advisory Board.



How Are You Celebrating Social Work Month?
This year’s Social Work Month theme is Elevate Social Work. CSWE wants to know how you are elevating the public image of the social work profession during Social Work Month. E-mail us with information on how you are celebrating, and we’ll help spread the word.
APA Releases Clinical Responses to the Opioid Crisis Resource Guide
Regardless of a psychologist’s role as educator, researcher, advocate, counselor, or clinician, most psychologists will interact professionally with an individual or family affected by the opioid crisis. An informational resource, Clinical Responses to the Opioid Crisis: A Resource Guide was produced by the Cross-Divisional (D12, D28, D50) Task Force on Clinical Response to the Opioid Crisis and published by the American Psychological Association. You are welcome to use this information and share it with those in need.
Upcoming Substance Use Webinars
Register now for the SBIRT Webinar Series and save the date(s) on your calendar! This webinar series is hosted by NORC at the University of Chicago, the Adolescent SBIRT Project, and The BIG Initiative, with funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. The following events are still available for registration: Adolescents, Young Adults and Opioid Use: When Is It a Problem? What to Do? and Integrating Suicide Prevention Into the SBIRT Model.
FMHI Accepting Applications for Summer Research Institute
The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) at the University of South Florida is dedicated to research and education related to substance use and related disorders. FMHI invites undergraduate students to apply for a highly selective Summer Research Institute, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The 11-week program is designed for students interested in building their research skills within the context of substance use and co-occurring disorders to help them prepare for a senior thesis and/or graduate school. Applications are due March 11, 2019. To learn more about SRI@FMHI and apply, click here.
AASWSW 2019 Fellows Inducted
The American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare elected 21 new fellows for their accomplishments as scholars and practitioners for achievement and advancement of social good in the field of social work. Newly elected fellows were inducted into the Academy during a ceremony on January 18, 2019, at the Society for Social Work and Research’s annual conference in San Francisco, CA.



CSWE is recruiting for the research specialist position and the program associate for grants and projects position. To apply for either of these career opportunities at CSWE, please submit a cover letter of interest, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or


External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, March 19, 2019.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.