China Collaborative Celebrates 5 Years of Partnership in Beijing
The China Collaborative celebrated 5 years of partnership at a conference in Beijing, China. The Collaborative is a partnership between CSWE, the National Supervisory Committee for MSW Education, the China Association for Social Work Education, and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. The conference—titled China-U.S. Conference on Social Work Collaboration in Education, Theories and Practice—featured an overview of the collaborative’s history, reports from each of the seven partnerships, findings from the external evaluation, and thematic reports related to social work education and research.
Commission on Membership and Professional Development
The CSWE Commission on Membership and Professional Development (CMPD) seeks to maximize educational outcomes in the form of highly competent social work graduates through approaching professional development with a spirit of creative inquiry that promotes inclusion and unity among social work educators.
This year the CMPD has focused on engaging directly with CSWE members about their impressions of member benefits and professional development opportunities. Commissioners expanded on a member benefits survey issued in 2016 by conducting a series of virtual focus groups with survey respondents in February 2017. CMPD will present findings from the survey and focus groups during a Connect Session at the 2017 APM, “Membership Has Its Privileges: What Members Think About CSWE,” on Saturday, October 21, 2:00–3:00 pm in the Sheraton Dallas Hotel. All CSWE members are invited and encouraged to participate in this discussion about what CSWE membership could look like in the future.
Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education
Women’s Council Call for Mentor Recognition Nominations
The Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (Women’s Council) is currently accepting nominations for their Mentor Recognition. Learn more about how you can honor your mentor today.
2017 Annual Program Meeting
Thank You 2017 APM Sponsors
CSWE thanks the 2017 APM sponsors for their generous support! A special thanks to our Premier Sponsor, University of Southern California, Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
2017 APM Housing Deadline Coming Next Month!
The deadline to reserve sleeping rooms at the special CSWE meeting rates is September 11, 2017, or when the allotted room block sells out. Reserve your room here.
Katherine A. Kendall Institute
2017 KAKI Grants Awarded
The Katherine A. Kendall Institute has announced the recipients of its 2017 grants. The three grantees were selected based on their innovative projects that demonstrated transferability and potential to advance the field of international social work education.
Global Observatory Seeks Feedback
CSWE serves as the Global Observatory (or data clearinghouse) for the North American and Caribbean Region to collect resources in support of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. We are gathering information regarding the third Global Agenda theme, Community and Environmental Sustainability. Please participate in our brief questionnaire and help us produce a robust report on how colleagues in the North American and Caribbean Region are promoting community and environmental sustainability.
Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice
APM 2017 Faculty Development Institute on Minority Scholar Career Development
The Diversity Center invites administrators, senior faculty mentors, junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students to a workshop on “Facilitating Minority Scholar Career Development: How to Build an Infrastructure for Success.” The session will take place on Thursday, October 19, from 2:00 pm–5:00 pm and will include presentations on mentorship, research, grantsmanship, and community service-scholarship linkages. Register here.
CSWE SocialWorkCAS
Meet With SocialWorkCAS Users at APM
Learn more about how SocialWorkCAS increases applicant pools, facilitates strategic admissions decisions, and provides insight into enrollment trends. Fill out this brief form to sign up for a 1:1 with SocialWorkCAS users in October at APM.
CSWE Minority Fellowship Program
2017–2018 MFP Doctoral Fellowship Cohort
This year's cohort of CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program doctoral fellows includes 16 returning and eight new fellows. Click here for more info.
CSWE Publications
International Collaboration Text Available at APM
Make sure to grab a copy of CSWE Press’ latest publication, Practicing as a Social Work Educator in International Collaboration (edited by Alice K. Butterfield and Carol S. Cohen)! The editors offer Six Promising Principles to guide successful practice by social work educators in international settings, including research, travel and study programs, technical assistance and training, and interdisciplinary efforts. Pick up a copy at the 2017 APM in Dallas, TX, or visit us online to browse other titles.
Opportunities for Members
2017–2018 Assessment Academy
Take advantage of the Early Bird discount available for the CSWE Assessment Academy, which will kick off at the 2017 Annual Program Meeting on October 22, 2017 (use code AAEarlyBird). Presentations will be recorded for anyone not attending APM, so be sure to register early!
Online Training for New Field Directors Now Available
If you’re a new field director, don’t miss this on-demand, online training on the practical skills required to manage a field program. Managing a Field Education Program: A Training for New Field Directors includes presentations from seasoned field directors, resource templates, and quarterly live webinars.
Submission Guidelines
External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, September 12, 2017.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.