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CSWE Affirms the Need to Advance Macro Practice

At its June 2017 meeting the CSWE Board of Directors affirmed the need to ensure that the preparation of social workers be rooted in the profession’s historic mission to promote social justice through social change. One of the goals of the Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice is to have 20% of MSW students concentrating their studies in macro practice by the year 2020. Given the current social, economic, and political environment, the CSWE Board of Directors applauds the Special Commission for its work to advance macro practice. Further, CSWE is committed to partnering with members of the Special Commission, the Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA), the Network for Social Work Management, Influencing Social Policy, the Macro Social Work Student Network, and other social work education and professional organizations to support and strengthen the educational preparation of macro social workers.

Examples of partnership activities between CSWE and macro practice organizations include the following:

  • Establishment of a policy coalition with several sister organizations to advance policy practice
  • Promotion and support of field placements that provide students with policy and other macro practice experiences
  • The current development and future dissemination of a macro practice curriculum guide, in partnership with the Special Commission

In addition, the work that CSWE supports internationally is very much focused on macro practice, specifically social development in other countries. Examples include the CSWE China–U.S. Social Work Collaborative and activities of the CSWE Katherine Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education.
As the national association of schools and programs of social work, CSWE commends the focus and leadership of the Special Commission on advancing macro practice. CSWE and the Special Commission will continue to work together to identify activities and devote resources to furthering macro practice in social work education.
See the ACOSA website  for more details about their work.

Council on Field Education

New Innovations in Leading Field Education Programs

The Council on Field Education (COFE), a council of the Commission on Educational Policy, advances the role of field education as the signature pedagogy of social work education. In accordance with our mission of supporting all aspects of programming for field education curricula, COFE has been actively involved in disseminating knowledge and skills to field educators and directors. COFE has developed courses for field educators and directors, increased field education programs at the CSWE APM, and by organizing CSWE and COFE-sponsored field education think tanks. Input by COFE was instrumental in advancing the agenda, goals, and objectives of the 2014 Field Summit. Over the past year COFE was involved in initiatives that promoted best practices for providing leadership and navigating complex challenges experienced by field education programs. COFE is grateful to CSWE for its continued commitment to supporting field education, and this support is evidenced by the following two field education initiatives.

Partnering with the CSWE Learning Academy, COFE developed “Managing a Field Education Program: A Training for New Field Directors." This course prepares new field directors (a year or less of experience) for all the practical responsibilities of managing a field program, including administration, gatekeeping, working with students and instructors, and managing field sites. Participants also connect with one another through a discussion forum and quarterly live webinars.

The Field Education Institute at the 2017 Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, Texas, will integrate the Social Work Grand Challenges with our profession’s signature pedagogy. This preconference activity is open to all deans, program directors, field directors, field personnel, and interested faculty members and provides an opportunity to earn three continuing education credits for social work licensure. Participants will attend a keynote and panel presentation, followed by participation in workshops about new and nontraditional opportunities in field education, preparing students to successfully engage in social work field education, and defining quality field education experiences. The Field Education Institute will conclude with a showcase of integrating policy practice in field education and a reception for participants.

2017 Annual Program Meeting

Thank You, 2017 APM Sponsors
The 2017 sponsors help make the APM a success! CSWE thanks this year’s sponsors for their generous support. View all of the 2017 APM Sponsors. CSWE offered more than 50 sponsorship opportunities this year. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 APM, contact Allison Moon

Katherine A. Kendall Institute

Don’t Miss This International Social Work Session at APM!
The Katherine A. Kendall Institute (KAKI) will host a session titled “Innovative Approaches to International Social Work Education” on October 21 at 12:45 pm, Dallas Ballroom A-2 at CSWE's Annual Program Meeting. The KAKI Advisory Board and current grantees will provide an overview of KAKI’s grant programs and the funded projects that address a variety of important issues in international social work education.

Hokenstad Lecturer Announced
The CSWE Commission on Global Social Work Education has selected Manohar Pawar, PhD, professor of social work at Charles Sturt University, Australia, and president of the International Consortium for Social Development, as this year’s Hokenstad International lecturer. Dr. Pawar’s lecture, titled “Kant, Bentham, Aristotle, and My Grandmother: Developing the 'Caring Being' in Social Work,” will be given on Friday, October 20, from 9:15 am to 10:15 am. 

Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice

APM 2017 Faculty Development Institute on Minority Scholar Career Development
The Diversity Center invites administrators, senior faculty mentors, junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students to a workshop titled “Facilitating Minority Scholar Career Development: How to Build an Infrastructure for Success,” October 19, from 2:00 pm–5:00 pm. It will include presentations on mentorship, research, grantsmanship, and community service-scholarship linkages. Register here.



Connect at APM About SocialWorkCAS
CSWE’s APM is the perfect time to learn more about SocialWorkCAS, the centralized application service for graduate social work programs. Sign up for a 1:1 session on October 20 or 21 to speak with an end-user, or attend an educational session Friday, October 20 from 2:00 pm–3:00 pm to explore how SocialWorkCAS changed Temple University’s admissions process for the better.

CSWE Publications

International Collaboration Text and Presentation at the APM
Visit our new and expanded CSWE Press Bookstore at this year’s APM to purchase any of our publications or DVDs and get free shipping on orders within the United States. While you’re there, grab a copy of the latest CSWE Press publication, Practicing as a Social Work Educator in International Collaboration (edited by Alice K. Butterfield and Carol S. Cohen). Attend the authors’ presentation on Saturday at the APM (Session 354, Lone Star A-4, Conference Center, 2nd floor), then chat with them at the CSWE Press Bookstore immediately following the presentation.

New DVD From Relational Social Work Series Now Available: It Takes a Team
The case illustration in the latest DVD in the Relational Social Work Series, It Takes A Team: Integrating Behavioral Health Into Primary Care Settings (produced and directed by Lynn McVeigh), involves a second-year social work intern in integrative health care as it takes place in a primary care setting, and features a multiproblem clinical situation requiring the coordinated services of the social worker, doctor, nurse, nutritionist, peer wellness specialist, and substance abuse counselor working in collaboration with the client and her family. To purchase books or DVDs, please call 1.877.751.5053 or e-mail


Board of Directors, National Nominating Committee: Call for Nominations
CSWE seeks nominations of qualified candidates to serve in open positions on its Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee, including the Board of Directors chair-elect. Our governing bodies support the work of CSWE through their contributions to governance and operational project areas. By serving on a governing body, you will have the opportunity to network and expand your leadership skills while contributing to the CSWE mission to ensure and enhance the quality of social work education.


How to Support Students Affected by DACA Repeal
CSWE President and CEO Darla Spence Coffey provides ways to communicate support to students affected by the recent DACA decision and your commitment to protecting their human rights. Read more.

Opportunities for Members

SSWR 22nd Annual Conference: Social Service Review Symposium
Social Service Review, in collaboration with the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare and the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), will hold a symposium in conjunction with the SSWR 22nd Annual Conference in Washington, DC, on Sunday, January 14, 2018, 1:15 pm–5:30 pm. The Social Service Review Symposium, “Whither American Social Work in its Second Century?”, will acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the inaugural meeting of the National Conference of Social Work in 1917 and reflect on the state of scholarship, and the profession itself, in the core areas of social work's professional turf, including social welfare policy development and analysis; administration of social services; community organization; and direct practice with individuals, families, and groups.

Resources for Members

Black Minds Matter Virtual Course
This fall, Professor J. Luke Wood, director of the doctoral program in community college leadership at San Diego State University, will teach a free online public course, BLACK MINDS MATTER: A Focus on Black Boys and Men in Education. This virtual course addresses the experiences and realities of Black males in education, drawing parallels between the Black Lives Matter movement and the ways Black minds are engaged in the classroom.

Submission Guidelines

External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, October 10, 2017.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.

Upcoming Events

2017 CSWE Annual Program Meeting
Dallas, TX
October 19–22, 2017

Fall 2017 IPEC Institute
Long Beach, CA
October 18–20, 2017

CSWE Career Center
Featured Job

Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs
University of Texas at Arlington
(apply for this job)