The Commission on Educational Policy
The Commission on Educational Policy (COEP) has a newly appointed chair, Dr. Debra McPhee, dean at Fordham University. COEP, along with the Commission on Accreditation, is currently working on a framework to guide the development of an accreditation process and standards for the practice doctorate in social work. To learn more about the commission’s charge, work, and members, please visit COEP’s webpage.
Learn More About Our Centralized Application Service
More than 40 disciplines offer their prospective students a centralized application service; students applying to master’s-level social work programs now have the same benefits with SocialWorkCAS. Fill out this brief form to learn more about the initiative or to speak with a SocialWorkCAS team member about enrollment.
Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice
Webinar: Responding to the New Political Climate
The Diversity Center invites you to the webinar, “How Should Social Work Education Respond to the Changing Political Landscape?” on March 21, 12:00 pm (EDT). To register free of charge, please go to CSWE Learning Academy.
Katherine A. Kendall Institute
Call for Grant Proposals and Advisory Board Nominations
CSWE’s Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education has announced two exciting opportunities: a call for grant proposals and a call for Advisory Board nominations. Applications are due April 1, 2017.
CSWE Elections, Online Ballots
The CSWE election begins Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Online ballots will be sent to members who have met the March 3 cut-off deadline; the slate of candidates is now available.
Opportunities for Members
SAMHSA Recovery to Practice Courses Now Available
Two Recovery to Practice (RTP) courses addressing mental health and substance abuse are available online for viewing on the RTP website. Continuing medical education credits are available.
Climate-KIC Offers Climate Change Summer School PhD Programs
Climate-KIC is now offering PhD students three 2-week summer school courses in Europe that have climate-related topics. The courses will include a combination of discussions with international academic experts and practitioners, creative transferable skills sessions, inspiring workshops, site visits, and assignments; click here to learn more.
ACSWE 13th Biennial Conference Call for Papers
The Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE) is now accepting abstracts for their 13th Biennial Conference of Caribbean and International Social Work Educators, which will be held June 26–30, 2017, at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica. This year's theme is Social Work Education, Policy & Practice: Engaging People, Challenging Structures, Advancing Sustainable Development. The submission deadline is March 21, 2017.
National Symposium on Academic Palliative Care Call for Proposals
The 2nd National Symposium for Palliative Care Education & Research, to be held in San Diego, California, on September 28–29, 2017, is now seeking proposals from academic faculty, researchers, and student collaborators to present innovations in education and share research. Multiple disciplines will present approaches for integrating concepts of palliative care. Deadline for submission is April 6, 2017.
March For Science
The March for Science, which will be held on April 22, 2017, in Washington, DC, champions robustly funded and publicly communicated science; 395 satellite marches will be held in other major cities. The March for Science demonstrates a passion for science and sounds a call to support and safeguard the scientific community.
Student Hotspotting Grant and Council Opportunities
The Interprofessional Student Hotspotting Learning Collaborative is an annual program that trains interdisciplinary teams of students from schools around the country to work with complex medical and social needs using a patient-centered approach. The 6-month program, co-hosted by Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, the Association of American Medical Colleges, Primary Care Progress, National Academies of Practice, and the Council on Social Work Education, provides education and support to teams as they connect with patients, learn about the root causes of high health care use, and share this information with their institutions.
PCORI Funding Opportunities
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the nongovernmental body tasked with researching the effectiveness of a wide range of medical treatments, has announced a funding opportunity for Tier A Pipeline to Proposal awards. The letter of intent deadline is April 20, 2017.
Resources for Members
NASW Celebrates Social Work Month
This year the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) commemorates Social Work Month with a Social Workers Stand Up! campaign. This campaign will educate the public about the contributions of social workers and give social workers and their allies tools they can use to elevate the profession.
Using CTI to Reduce Crisis Homelessness
Tom Byrne, associate professor at Boston University, presents ideas for integrating critical time intervention (CTI) and rapid rehousing to address short-term homelessness. Potential benefits include improved client outcomes, more efficient and effective use of health-care dollars, a decrease in criminal justice and other public spending, and a reduction in overall homelessness. Read more in a recent blog post from the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services.
CSWE President Given Political Advocate Leadership Award
Darla Spence Coffey, president and CEO of the Council on Social Work Education, has been presented the Political Advocate Leadership Award by the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy. Read the full press release here.
Submission Guidelines
External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, April 11, 2016.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.