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UT Austin Training Videos Help Advocates, LEOs Respond to Sexual Assault
The Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault in the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at The University of Texas at Austin created five videos that feature law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and advocates who work daily with sexual assault survivors and leading scholars in the field. The videos discuss issues as diverse as consent, the neurobiology of trauma, and alcohol and drug use. The training videos were produced with support from the Criminal Justice Division of the office of Gov. Greg Abbott and are being made widely available across Texas and the country.


CSWE Opposes Laws that Prohibit Teaching 'Divisive Concepts'
The Council on Social Work Education joined with the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AACU) and dozens of other associations to decry a growing number of states that seek to dictate how racism can be taught in colleges and universities. In the June 2021 statement, AACU, CSWE, and others highlight efforts in at least 20 states to propose laws that would “suppress teaching and learning about the role of racism in the history of the United States.” Read more here.

2021 Carl A. Scott Book Scholarship Winners
Join us in congratulating the winners of this year’s Carl A. Scott Book Scholarship, Nida Khalil (California State University, East Bay) and Grayson Breen (Aurora University) as they continue advance their academic careers in social work!


Join Us in Orlando at the 2021 APM!
This year, the Annual Program Meeting (APM) will focus on Leading Critical Conversations: Racial, Economic, & Environmental Justice. Presentations will raise critical issues about practices, policies, and structures that hinder or advance racial, economic, and environmental justice. This year's event will also feature opportunities to network with thousands of social work educators, hundreds of educational sessions encompassing 40 tracks, summits and institutes to advance your skillset, and more! Register here.
Meet Our APM Plenary Speakers
What if we called people in, rather than called them out? That is the critical conversation that Loretta Ross—an award-winning, nationally recognized expert on racism and racial justice, women's rights, and human rights—will lead during the Opening Plenary Session. Join us in Orlando, FL, to also hear from Dr. Darlyne Bailey, who will lead the 2021 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture on the transformative powers of hope and possibility and ways to bring our desired futures closer into being. Stay tuned to CSWE e-mails for updates on additional 2021 APM speakers and special events!
Last Week to Enter 2021 Photo Contest! Win a Complimentary APM Registration
CSWE is seeking photos from programs and faculty members from the 2020 and 2019 school years: field placements, online classrooms, in-person events with students and faculty members, and more. Enter the contest for the chance to win a complimentary registration to the 2021 Annual Program Meeting, a $100 Visa gift card, or a $50 Visa gift card. Learn more about the submission guidelines and prizes and submit your photos today!


CSWE and GADE’s New Report Depicts Landscape of Doctoral Education
More social work students are pursuing doctoral degrees today compared to 5 years ago, according to a new report produced by CSWE and the Group for Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work (GADE). The CSWE/GADE Report on the Current Landscape of Doctoral Education in Social Work highlights trends in enrollment, degrees conferred, student demographics, program offerings, students’ goals for completing the degrees, number of programs, and more. Read the report for more insights on practice doctorate and research doctorate programs.


Mixing up Teaching Methods: Traditional Wisdom, Community Dialogues, Literature, Research

This month we recap Winter–Spring 2021’s resources for multilayered approaches to teaching about interculturality, intersectionality, and racial equity. The current featured book is Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre.


Announcing 2021 CSWE Election Results
The 2021 CSWE Election has officially concluded. Thanks to the thoughtful participation of CSWE members, the organization welcomed the 11 newly elected members of the Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee.  CSWE appreciates all the members who participated in the nomination and election process and to each candidate who expressed interest in serving in a Board or National Nominating Committee position. See the election results here!


IPEC Announces Working Group Members for Core Competencies Revision
IPEC is beginning a formal process to review and revise the 2016 IPEC Core Competencies. The IPEC Core Competencies have helped to frame the national dialogue on the need for interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice (CP) as a catalyst for improving team-based patient care and enhancing population health outcomes. The Core Competencies Working Group comprises a panel of IPE and CP leaders and experts from across the nation, representing over 200 years of combined experience. View full news release and list of members here.


Post-Master’s Social Work Fellowship Accreditation
After years of committee work, discussion, planning, and piloting, the Commission on Accreditation (COA) has granted accreditation to the first post-master’s social work fellowship program. Congratulations, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's National Capital Consortium Social Work Fellowship in Child and Family Practice! The COA, Fellowship Review Committee, and CSWE staff are currently evaluating the pilot findings and capacity to allow additional fellowships to seek accreditation, details and updates can be found here.
Call for Pilot Applications
CSWE and the Commission on Accreditation are preparing to launch the pilot for the accreditation of professional practice doctoral programs in Fall 2021. Four programs will be selected to participate in the pilot and the call for applications to participate is now live! Interested programs must submit their completed application by August 31, 2021.



Perspectives on Posttraumatic Stress and the DSM-5
In observance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, CSWE Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Alumnus Dr. Tanya Sharpe and current doctoral MFP fellow Mariama Diallo, LCSW, share their perspectives on how trauma is experienced by the communities they serve and how diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder help and hinder treatment. Read more here.


Don’t Miss the Latest Open Access JSWE Articles on Social Justice!
In response to current events and the pervasive social injustices facing our society, the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) continues to compile collections of articles with a focus on race/racism, oppression, social justice, and related topics that social workers and social work educators are committed to addressing and resolving. The following articles will be open access until June 30, 2021, through the Taylor & Francis JSWE Online portal:



Download Resources to Teach About Substance Use and Misuse
CSWE has developed a collection of educational resources that accredited MSW programs can use to prepare students to practice with people and communities affected by substance use and misuse. The collection includes competency-based assessment tools that help determine how effectively students apply the knowledge obtained in their courses. Access the resources

Call for Submissions: Interprofessional Pain Management Education   
Pain education working groups from the Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education and the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) are calling on educators across the learning continuum (entry level, post professional and clinical workplace learning) to submit original papers for a special edition of the Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice (JIEP). Submissions are being accepted now through November 15, 2021.
inSocialWork Podcast: Exploring Anti-Racist Social Work Education
inSocialWork® is the podcast series of the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. The purpose of this series is to engage practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and to promote research to practice and practice to research. In Episode 293, "Making Whiteness Strange": Exploring Anti-Racist Social Work Education, Dr. Donna Jeffrey speaks about the challenges encountered as social work education attempts to develop anti-racist methods and practices of teaching.


Renew Your CSWE Membership to Receive an APM Registration Discount!
Individual members receive discounted Annual Program Meeting (APM) registration rates for the 2021 APM. To qualify, provide your membership ID number when registering and have your member dues paid in full through March 31, 2022. If your membership has lapsed, you can renew through the membership portal or during online APM registration. Contact with any questions.



CSWE is recruiting for the following position:

To apply for this career opportunity at CSWE, please apply through SmartRecruiters or submit a cover letter, résumé, and salary requirement to Human Resources, CSWE, 333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314; FAX: +1.703.683.8099.


External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.