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Tuskegee University Department of Social Work Provides Telehealth Training for Grad Students
The Tuskegee University Department of Social Work is taking part in The Southeastern Telehealth Resource Center (SETRC) training for graduating college students preparing to enter the health-care workforce. The department also hosted an outdoor Telehealth and Wellness Fair on May 7. Through CARES Act funding, SETRC provides a “Telehealth Ready” workforce capable of addressing the increased demand for the delivery of virtual health care created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Training began during the fall 2020 semester and continued through the winter and spring 2021 semesters for other universities. Read more.


Leading Critical Conversations During AAPI Heritage Month
The United States forcibly removed and incarcerated nearly the whole of the nation’s Japanese American population during World War II. Social workers were integral cogs in every aspect of this program of racial profiling en masse. Yoosun Park, PhD, MSW, discusses her scholarship on this topic with Dr. Tanya Smith Brice, CSWE vice president of education, and the two highlight lessons for today's social workers and educators. Don’t miss the Critical Conversation on YouTube.

Thank You, Professors! Congratulations, Students!
In a virtual commencement address, CSWE Board Chair Saundra Starks, EdD, LCSW, and CSWE President and CEO Darla Spence Coffey, PhD, MSW, thank educators for their leadership through the 2021 year and congratulate students on their perseverance as they worked toward graduation. Share the video with colleagues and graduates!

CSWE Welcomes Executive Director of Accreditation
CSWE proudly announced that Megan Fujita, PhD, MSW, has been hired as the executive director of accreditation. In this role, she will oversee CSWE’s Accreditation Department and support the candidacy and reaffirmation of more than 800 social work programs across the United States. Read more.

A Renewal of Pedagogy by Returning to Campus
"Coming back to the school that once represented collaboration and community rather than fear or loneliness initially provoked feelings of anxiety and frustration for me. While I wanted to feel excitement on my return to campus, the residual effects of the pandemic reminded me that this space may not be what it used to be." Pari Shah, LCSW, recounts her experience of returning to campus after nearly a year. Shah and Michael Talamantes, LCSW, also share pedagogical strategies that can be used to create more equitable and person-centered classrooms. Read more.


CSWE Recognizes 2021 Award Recipients
Congratulations to the esteemed recipients of the 2021 Professional Recognition Awards! Dr. Enola Proctor, Dr. Suk-hee Kim, Dr. Yarneccia Dyson, and Dr. Jenny Jones will be honored at the 2021 Annual Program Meeting for their respective contributions to social work education. Read more about the awardees and their achievements on CSWE’s awards page.

2021 Photo Contest—Win a Complimentary APM Registration
CSWE is seeking photos from programs and faculty members from the 2020 and 2019 school years: field placements, online classrooms, in-person events with students and faculty members, and more. Enter the contest for the chance to win a complimentary registration to the 2021 Annual Program Meeting, a $100 Visa gift card, or a $50 Visa gift card. Learn more about the submission guidelines and prizes and submit your photos today!


NIDCR Releases FOA on Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Eliminate Oral Health Disparities
The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is looking to commit $3 million in award funding to support research on how to effectively identify and optimally address upstream social determinants of health that can often present as a barrier to optimal oral health, impede the effectiveness of interventions, and contribute to oral health disparities in vulnerable and underserved groups. View this post by Andrew Herrin, legislative research assistant at Lewis-Burke Associates, for more information on how to apply.
AHRQ Announces Special Emphasis Notice on Health Equity
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has announced a new Special Emphasis Notice on health services research to advance health equity. AHRQ is asking applicants to propose research projects that focus on health equity within several key areas. View this post by Andrew Herrin, legislative research assistant at Lewis-Burke Associates, for more information.
Society for Spirituality & Social Work Conference June 16–18, 2021
The Society for Spirituality and Social Work is hosting a virtual conference June 16‒18, 2021. The conference will feature live and on-demand workshops by scholars and practitioners from around the world, a preconference writing retreat, and more. View this post by Kimberly Hardy, assistant professor at Fayetteville State University, for more information on how to register.


Narratives by and About Asians and Asian Americans
In this month’s issue of the Educator|Resource, the Diversity Center brings you selections from its library of highly acclaimed contemporary literature by and about Asian and Asian American authors. The books represent nearly a quarter of the 51 countries and territories of Asia, earth’s largest and most populous continent. Intersectionality, coming of age, the precariousness of forced displacement, and layered cultural identity are some of the themes explored in the books in this collection. To add a personal perspective, we asked social work students and others of Asian ancestry to share a favorite book by an Asian or Asian American author. Read their recommendations here


IPEC Announces Working Group Members for Core Competencies Revision
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) is beginning a formal process to review and revise the 2016 IPEC Core Competencies. The IPEC Core Competencies have helped to frame the national dialogue on the need for interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice (CP) as a catalyst for improving team-based patient care and enhancing population health outcomes. Key drivers for the 2021‒2023 revision include the need to empower the IPE community with the best available evidence and research related to IPE and CP; conduct a cyclical review of common definitions for competence, competency, and the competency framework; and ensure that this framework accurately reflects any changes in research, policy, and practice. Read the full press release.

ASWB’s 2020 School Pass Rate Reports Available for Free
Given the difficult year that we have all worked through, and as part of the Association of Social Work Board’s (ASWB) ongoing outreach to help educators understand the licensing exams, ASWB is waiving the fees for its 2020 reports. This free data is available to social work degree programs that are accredited by or in candidacy with the Council on Social Work Education or the Canadian Association for Social Work Education and covers the exam results of test-takers who sat for the exams in 2020. Learn more in ASWB’s letter to deans and directors.


New Resources: Standardized Substance Use Disorder Curriculum
Are you looking for resources to prepare students to practice with individuals, families, or communities affected by substance use and misuse? CSWE is proud to present an extensive array of educational resources for accredited MSW programs, including a curriculum framework and four recorded plug-and-play modules and sample syllabi. Other resources will be highlighted in subsequent communications.


MFP Alumni Collaborate to Build and Share Insights
CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) is spotlighting a collaborative study that four alumni completed and published earlier this year in the Journal of Women in Social Work on the “long, global history to today’s anti-Asian bias and violence.” Hear author Sameena Azhar’s take on the experiences of working on a publication with fellow MFP alumni and Asian/Pacific Islander social workers, seeing their research come to life amid #StopAsianHate, and envisioning a path forward.


New Selection of JSWE Articles on Social Justice Now Open Access
In response to current events and the pervasive social injustices facing our society, the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) continues to compile collections of articles with a focus on race/racism, oppression, social justice, and related topics that social workers and social work educators are committed to addressing and resolving. The following articles will be open access April 1–June 30, 2021, through the Taylor & Francis JSWE Online portal:


New Cohort Announced for the 2021 Doctoral Student Policy Forum
Congratulations to the new cohort of students selected to participate in the inaugural CSWE-SSWR-GADE Social Work Doctoral Student Policy Forum in June! These students will join the 2020 cohort to receive specialized training that connects social work research and policymaking. View the 2021 cohort

Social Work Program Enrollment Remains Strong Despite Pandemic 
More than three-quarters of all social work programs indicated that applications for the fall 2021 semester have increased or remained flat, according to new research from CSWE. Spring 2021 total enrollment levels also remained strong, with 70.4% of social work programs reporting that enrollment remained flat or increased compared to spring 2020. Download the report for insights into student and faculty mental health, modifications to budget and staffing, and more. 
CSWE and GADE’s New Report Depicts Landscape of Doctoral Education
More social work students are pursuing doctoral degrees today compared to 5 years ago, according to a new report produced by CSWE and the Group for Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work (GADE). The CSWE/GADE Report on the Current Landscape of Doctoral Education in Social Work highlights trends in enrollment, degrees conferred, student demographics, program offerings, students’ goals for completing the degrees, number of programs, and more. Read the report for more insights on practice doctorate and research doctorate programs.


SSWR Call for Nominations for 2022 Awards Now Open!
The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Board of Directors has announced the call for nominations for the 2022 SSWR Aaron Rosen Lecture Award, Book Award for Best Scholarly Book Published, Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award, Distinguished Career Achievement Award, Doctoral Fellows Award, Excellence in Research Award, Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award, and Social Policy Researcher Awards. Please click here to see the calls and deadlines.

Supporting the Mental Health of BIPOC Community College Students
The New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network held a virtual convening in February titled “Supporting the Mental Health of BIPOC Community College Students.” Stakeholders from six states discussed challenges, shared promising practices, and identified opportunities to improve services and supports for BIPOC students. Data from recent Healthy Minds Study survey respondents—including rates of depression, anxiety, and service access in college students—were discussed. To watch the recording, click here

Don’t Miss ICSD’s 22nd Biennel Conference Early-Bird Rates
This year’s 22nd Biennial International Consortium of Social Development conference provides an exciting opportunity for social workers, practitioners, academics, and students to engage with some of the challenges and the innovative solutions that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. The online conference, which takes place July 13–16, 2021, will look at social development solutions to crises ranging from pandemics to climate change, and long-standing challenges such as migration and racial injustice. Early-bird registration rates are only valid until May 28. Register now to take advantage of these special rates.



External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, June 15, 2021.

 CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.