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A Message From the Chair of the CSWE Board of Directors

The CSWE Board of Directors met last month in Dallas, TX, before the start of the 63rd Annual Program Meeting (APM). These dedicated social work educators and leaders are a fantastic group to work with—please get to know them (CSWE Board of Directors). Below is a summary of Board actions with links to respective documents. Many thanks to the members of the Board and the CSWE staff for a very productive meeting and successful APM!
Barbara W. Shank
Chair, CSWE Board of Directors



Board’s Action




Approved the agenda, consent agenda, and minutes

The board voted to approve the October 2017 Meeting Agenda and Consent Agenda. Minutes of the March and June 2017 Board meetings were approved. 



Approved commission reports

Once a year the CSWE commission chairs (who serve as ex-officio nonvoting members of the Board) prepare reports for the Board to keep them apprised of the scope of their activities and initiatives.

Approved president’s report

The  president’s report aligns with initiatives and activities of the CSWE key six goals.



Approved the Policy on Social Responsibility in Conference Planning 

After a robust discussion of the many factors that need to be considered when selecting a site for the Annual Program Meeting, the Board moved forward with a policy to guide conference site selection that considers the political, economic, and social environment.

Approved the Proposed Bylaws Revisions

A Bylaw Review Committee was formed 2 years ago to review and make recommendations for revision of CSWE bylaws. The impetus for this was two-fold: to fully integrate a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2012 and to disentangle policy from procedures (bylaws should by a policy document).  Next steps: Revisions will be reviewed by legal counsel, and the proposed revisions will be disseminated to the membership for review and a vote in early spring. 



Accepted gifts and grants

The Board gratefully accepted all donations given to CSWE.

Accepted the audit report

The Board accepted the 2016–2017 Audit Committee report. 

Approved the FY2018 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activity for the period ending August 31, 2017

FY2018 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activity for the period ending August 31, 2017. 

Approved $5,000 contribution to support a Consensus Study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

The CSWE Board supports the effort to raise funds for this important study to examine the role of social work in health care.

Note. This list summarizes the main actions taken by the Board at its October 2017 meeting. An action by the Board to accept a report does not imply approval of the report in its entirety.  Recommendations included in a report presented to the Board for action are adopted only when the Board takes specific action to do so.

Council on Conferences and Faculty Development

The Council on Conferences and Faculty Development (CCFD) is the volunteer body responsible for policy-setting related to the Annual Program Meeting (APM) and other faculty development programs at CSWE. CCFD is part of the Commission on Membership and Professional Development (CMPD). Current council members are listed here.

CCFD has had a productive year addressing various dimensions of conferences and faculty development–related aspects. CCFD recommended the Policy on Social Responsibility in Conference Planning to CMPD that was forwarded to the Board of Directors for review. The policy was approved by the Board and is available here. After a detailed assessment of the various tasks to be addressed by CCFD, three subcommittees were formed to address APM tracks, awards, and faculty development. Council members volunteered to work on various subcommittees that matched their area of interest.

Key personnel at CSWE, CMPD Chair, the Chair of CCFD, and tracks subcommittee members were invited to participate in a meeting in August 2017 to discuss about the charge to CCFD and CMPD. The outcome of the meeting was to develop a framework for member engagement.

The Awards subcommittee reviewed the awards policy, recommended changes, and provided a timeline for awards review and decisions.

The Faculty Development subcommittee developed a plan in January 2017. Recommendations for future faculty development initiatives have been discussed with CSWE and we are looking forward to some new initiatives at next year’s APM focused on teaching and interprofessional education (IPE). Next year’s conference theme will be Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice and will include a post-conference, 1-day IPE Summit.

2018 Annual Program Meeting

Reserve Your Booth Space Now!
Premium exhibit booth spaces for the 2018 APM are already sold out, and the exhibit hall is filling up quickly. Browse the 2018 APM Prospectus for more information on exhibiting, advertising, and sponsoring at next year’s APM, and be sure to check out our new member-only booth + ad packages!

Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice

Annual Survey Special Topic on Diversity and Social Justice
The 2017 CSWE Annual Survey will contain a special topics module on diversity and social, environmental, and economic justice. We would like to hear from you regarding resources to support teaching in these areas. Visit the CSWE Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice to learn more about how we hope to use the input of all social work programs to shape and strengthen the future of the profession and the commitment to diversity and justice.


Join SocialWorkCAS' Virtual Session!
Interested in learning more about SocialWorkCAS? Join our virtual session on November 20 from 2:00 pm–3:00 pm ET. E-mail Heather Marshall if you are interested!

Learning Academy

2017–2018 Assessment Academy Recordings Now Available!
Register for the 2017–2018 Assessment Academy for access to recorded presentations on assessment related to field education, competencies, implicit curriculum, and rubrics. The program includes additional webinars featuring assessment approaches and tools used by different social work programs in spring 2018.


License and Regulation Task Force
CSWE is inviting representatives from your school or organization to participate on a national task force being convened to develop specialized practice competencies and curricular resources for licensing and regulation. Learn more here.  

Resources for Members

Engaging Kinship Caregivers With Joseph Crumbley
The Annie E. Casey Foundation has developed a five-part video training series, “Engaging Kinship Caregivers: Managing Risk Factors in Kinship Care.” Led by Joseph Crumbley, the training sessions strengthen the skills of child welfare professionals in supporting families to improve outcomes for children. The series includes a discussion guide to help program directors, supervisors, and trainers lead group sessions to deepen the learning experience.

Program Members in the News

AAC&U Selects JMU and Weber State University Social Work Departments to Highlight Civic Learning
The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has selected 22 departments from institutions across the country that are providing models for making civic learning and democratic engagement an expectation for all students who major in a given discipline. James Madison University’s Department of Social Work was one of nine departments singled out for special recognition and will be featured in an upcoming issue of Peer Review, which will be titled “Civic Learning in the Major by Design” and will be published in January 2018; Weber State University’s Department of Social Work is one of 13 other departments that will be featured on AAC&U’s website (read the full press report here).

Submission Guidelines

External submissions for the Members in the News, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the editorial guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Full Circle.

Upcoming Events

Grand Challenge Webinar—Stop Family Violence
Register Online
November 20, 2017

CSWE Career Center
Featured Job

Assistant Clinical Professor
Northern Arizona University
(apply for this job)