Press Room
CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact Patrick Dunne, Vice President of Communications and Marketing.
CSWE is inviting members to participate in a Global Agenda study about how social workers and social work educators promote the importance of human relationships. Learn more.
CSWE members are invited to participate in a new task force that will develop a 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards curricular guide on environmental justice. Social work faculty members with experience teaching environmental studies content at the baccalaureate or master’s level are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is August 30, 2019.
CSWE joins U.S.-based and international social work education programs and associations in condemning the violence against Muslims that occurred in Christchurch on March 15, 2019. Read more.
The social work education community is celebrating Social Work Month across the country. View a list of activities, events, initiatives, and inspiration by state/region and join us in elevating the social work profession. Learn more.
Available now at the CSWE Bookstore—Teaching Social Work With Digital Technology was written to help social work educators make pedagogically sound, rational, practical, and ethical decisions about integrating technology into their social work programs and across the curriculum. Click here to read more.