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CSWE Invites Members to Submit Resources for Global Agenda Study


CSWE, as the Global Observatory for the North American and Caribbean Region to collect resources, is currently gathering information regarding the Global Agenda’s 2020 theme and fourth pillar, “Promoting the importance of human relationships.” 

CSWE and the Global Agenda seek to better understand how people in the field of social work and in social work education are working toward the goal of encouraging healthy human relationships. Members of professional social work and other related groups, including CSWE members, are invited to help support the Global Agenda study by submitting relevant resources they use to promote and teach the importance of relationships.  

The brief data collection questionnaire helps produce an overarching report on how professionals in the North American and Caribbean Region are promoting the 2020 theme. The study includes short-answer questions and the opportunity to provide examples of resources, research, practice, and case studies to support responses. A wide range of resources may be provided, including publications; syllabi; YouTube videos; films; and/or documentation from rallies, protests, and town hall meetings. Participation will also allow members to make their work more visible across the globe.

When the survey closes November 15, 2019, a report will be created and results will be shared with the social work community.

Click here to participate in the Global Agenda study and submit your resources.

Thank you in advance for your dedication to and support for social work education around the world!