Press Room
CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact Patrick Dunne, Vice President of Communications and Marketing.
The CSWE Commission on Educational Policy (COEP) and Commission on Accreditation (COA) are pleased to announce the first draft of the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). Read more.
In the coming weeks, the CSWE Task Force to Advance Anti-Racism in Social Work Education will convene to provide feedback on an initial action plan for implementing recommendations focused on accreditation, data, training, and curricula. The Task Force members are currently working to organize and condense more than 150 distinct recommendations into clear guidance for social work education to become actively anti-racist. Read more.
We condemn the alarming rise in discrimination, oppression, harassment, violence, and racism perpetuated against APIDA people in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The Social Work Leadership Roundtable will host guest speakers and a town hall to discuss improving access to and thriving within the profession on Wednesday, March 24.
MSWs serve a wide range of vulnerable and underserved populations across different settings, according to data from the 2019 Survey of Social Work Graduates. A new workforce study brief provides insights into their contributions to the behavioral health field.