The CSWE Commission on Educational Policy (COEP) and Commission on Accreditation (COA) are pleased to announce the first draft of the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS).
The first draft of the proposed changes for the 2022 educational policy was distributed for public review and comment in fall 2019. The COEP, COA, and 2022 EPAS Joint Committee evaluated the feedback and implemented recommended changes to respond to the changing environment. The full draft developed from this process, including educational policy and accreditation standards, is now available for review. The Joint Committee will solicit feedback from as many constituents as possible in as many ways as possible. CSWE is committed to a comprehensive and thorough review process to develop a 2022 EPAS that reflects the excellence of social work education programs.
To help us reach the next phase, we ask that interested participants complete this feedback survey of the 2022 EPAS first draft by May 18, 2021. The feedback from this survey will be incorporated into the second draft of EPAS, which will be released in fall 2021.
Please visit the EPAS 2022 Web page for further information about the feedback process. For additional questions or technical assistance regarding the online survey, please contact the CSWE Department of Educational Initiatives and Research at