Press Room
CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact Patrick Dunne, Vice President of Communications and Marketing.
At a time when higher education faces many uncertainties, enrollment and student interest in social work programs remain strong. According to new CSWE research, 76.4% of programs indicated that applications for the fall 2021 semester have increased or remained flat.
With funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, CSWE partnered with 32 schools of social work to develop a high-quality standardized substance use disorder curriculum for accredited schools and programs of social work.
"Coming back to the school that once represented collaboration and community rather than fear or loneliness initially provoked feelings of anxiety and frustration for me. While I wanted to feel excitement on my return to campus, the residual effects of the pandemic reminded me that this space may not be what it used to be." Pari Shah, LCSW, recounts her experience of returning to campus after nearly a year. Shah and Michael Talamantes, LCSW, also share pedagogical strategies that can be used to create more equitable and person-centered classrooms.
CSWE proudly announced that Megan Fujita, PhD, MSW, has been hired as the executive director of accreditation. In this role, she will oversee CSWE’s Accreditation Department and support the candidacy and reaffirmation of more than 800 social work programs across the United States.
In observance of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Director Duy Nguyen provides context to the Asian Americans’ present experience and highlights this community’s collective resilience. He shares his role supporting MFP fellows from diverse backgrounds as they contend with the racism and discrimination they encounter, ending by issuing a call to action for social work educators.