CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact comms@cswe.org.
ALEXANDRIA, VA––The CSWE Gero-Ed Center has created the Specialized Gerontology Program, which collectively has awarded nearly $160,000 in funding to 16 social work programs to establish concentrations, specializations, minors, or certificates focused on gerontology. The ...
CSWE Gero-Ed Center will feature the new Anita Rosen Panel for Best Practices in Gerontological Infusion at CSWE’s 2009 Annual Program Meeting to give social workers a diverse and interactive venue to learn strategies for improving the care and well-being of older adults.
ALEXANDRIA, VA—CSWE and the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education will combine efforts to help attract more social work managers and leaders to apply for two 2-week education, training, and mentoring programs at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. In the 2010 academic year CSWE will ...
Seven New CSWE Board Members Starting July 1
CSWE joins profession to celebrate March as social work month.
2008–2009 Minority Fellowship Programs Cohort
54th Annual Program Meeting events and general announcements
SWE Gero-Ed Center awards cycle 1 funding to winning social work programs
08 PIE Announcement for individual and program awards
In Partnership With ALEXANDRIA, VA––The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) has been awarded a $75,000 1-year subgrant from the Tides Foundation to conduct a national survey of accredited social work programs in partnership with Lambda Legal. The grant, beginning ...