For Immediate Release
Carrie Murdock deGuzman
08 PIE Annoucement for individual and program awards
August 4, 2008 – ALEXANDRIA, VA— Since 2003, CSWE’s Commission on Global Social Work Education has granted its Partners in Advancing Education (PIE) for International Social Work Awards to individuals and social work programs demonstrating outstanding innovations in international social work education. This year’s winners, Frederic L. Ahearn and Southern Illinois University Carbondale, were selected based on their ability to advance the concepts, curricula, and programming in social work education.
“Through the achievements of the Commission on Global Social Work Education and the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education, partnerships with individuals and organizations are a cornerstone of CSWE’s successes in supporting international social work,“ said CSWE Executive Director Julia M. Watkins. “The PIE Awards allow CSWE to publicly recognize the contributions of those partners whose work we consider exemplary.”
The two award recipients will be recognized at a reception to be held during the 54th Annual Program Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. CSWE’s gathering of 3,000+ social work educators, students, and practitioners will take place October 30–November 2.
CSWE’s Commission on Global Social Work Education grants up to three PIE Awards annually. Award nominations can be submitted in one of the following categories: individuals, teams of individuals, degree-granting social work education programs, national organizations, or international organizations.
Frederick Ahearn, professor of social work at the Catholic University of America, was selected as a PIE recipient because of his ability to establish social work graduation programs in countries undergoing sociopolitical changes and his positive impact on other people, social policy, institutional building efforts, and the social work education structure on a global level. He has also strengthened international social work curricula in many U.S. universities and has authored content on migration, refugees, and internally displaced people.
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale’s School of Social Work is being recognized for its collaborative partnerships across the globe. Of particular note is its involvement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in providing a 2-year certified education program for its 300 social workers and supervisors in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and Gaza. Mizanur Miah serves as director of the School of Social Work.
The Council on Social Work Education is a nonprofit national association representing more than 3,000 individual members, as well as graduate and undergraduate programs of professional social work education. Founded in 1952, this partnership of educational and professional institutions, social welfare agencies, and private citizens is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as the sole accrediting agency for social work education.
Learn more about the Katherine A. Kendall Institute.