Press Room
CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact Patrick Dunne, Vice President of Communications and Marketing.
Advisory WHO : CSWE Gero-Ed Center WHAT: Ten Programs Receive BSW Experiential Learning Program Cycle 2 Funding WHEN: July 1, ...
WHEN: Term began July 1, 2010 and extends through June 30, 2013.
ALEXANDRIA, VA—The Council on Social Work Education welcomes seven new members to its Board of Directors on July 1, 2010. Denise Montcalm is CSWE’s new treasurer and offering new perspective on BSW and MSW programmatic functions are Ann Rosegrant Alvarez, Charlotte Goodluck, Maria ...
ALEXANDRIA, VA––CSWE honors Congressman Ciro Rodriguez (Texas, 23rd Congressional District), Barbara White (University of Texas at Austin), and Alberta “Bert” Ellett (University of Georgia), respectively, for their outstanding contributions to social work education with ...
CSWE celebrates Social Work Month 2010