Press Room
CSWE welcomes media inquiries and can assist in locating experts in the social work education field. For more information, contact Patrick Dunne, Vice President of Communications and Marketing.
Two weeks ago, we asked readers to take a brief survey to share with us the challenges they are facing professionally as a result of the pandemic and how they are meeting those challenges with creativity and innovation. One of the top challenges identified in the survey was how to effectively deploy technology to provide social work education and, for practitioners, social work services. Read more.
We cannot know what the Class or 2021 graduation will look like yet, but CSWE is committed to supporting faculty members, staff members, students, and programs with flexibility during this unprecedented and unsettling time so they can maintain a focus on quality education. Read more.
In joint written testimony, CSWE and the National Association of Social Workers urged the Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies for strong federal funding to support social workers and social work education in the fiscal year (FY) 2021 budget. Read more.
There is one thing about a pandemic: Everyone is affected. Although each of us has a unique experience of this public health crisis, we also share collective experiences, such as social distancing. We have been touched personally, and we have been touched professionally. We are becoming aware that life as we knew it will change. It will be different going forward. Read more.
For the past 4 weeks, ASWB, CSWE, and NASW have come together to share Social Work Responds with you. Each week, we communicate what we’ve learned from our respective memberships about social workers’ COVID-19 related issues and concerns. This week, we would like to invite you to share how COVID-19 is affecting you as a social worker. Read more.