For Immediate Release
Lydell Thomas
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Alexandria, VA, September 6, 2013 – SAGE Publications and Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) are proud to announce the two recipients of the 2013 SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education Award. They are Dale Fitch (University of Missouri) and a Northern Kentucky University Group headed by Dana Harley with colleagues James P. Canfield, Willie Elliott, and Karen Tapp.
These winners will be recognized on Friday, November 1 from 9:00 am–9:15 am (Grand Ballroom A/B) prior to the 2013 APM Special Plenary. Learn more about the 2013 recipients and their innovations during the curriculum workshops they will present at the 2013 APM on Saturday, November 2 here.
The annual SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education is presented by SAGE, working in collaboration with CSWE. This award was established in February 2012 to honor and recognize innovative teaching in social work education. The award's purpose is to
• promote innovative teaching in social work by highlighting it as it emerges, and
• recognize the individuals who have played significant roles in bringing it about.
More information about the award is located at Application: 2013 SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education. The three themes identified for the 2013 awards follow.
1. Student learning as a collaboration from classroom to classroom
2. Innovation in teaching social work education-related policies
3. Promoting inclusion (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 [ADA]) in teaching field education as a means of meeting competencies:
Award recipients will receive a complimentary registration to APM (one per individual award or up to two per team award provided by CSWE), and travel and lodging will be paid for up to $1,500 per individual or team by SAGE Publications. In addition, the awardees will receive $500 worth of SAGE books or journals.
SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets. Since 1965, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students spanning a wide range of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine. An independent company, SAGE has principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC.
CSWE is a nonprofit national association representing more than 2,500 individual members as well as graduate and undergraduate programs of professional social work education. Founded in 1952, this partnership of educational and professional institutions, social welfare agencies, and private citizens is recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in the United States.