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Journal of Social Work Education Editorial Advisory Board Selects 2010 Awardees


For Immediate Release
Carrie Murdock deGuzman
Marketing & Communications Manager

September 14, 2010 – Advisory


13 Scholars Recognized by the Journal of Social Work Education in 2010


The Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) Editorial Advisory Board has selected the two Best Reviewers for 2010 awardees.

  • Ronald Mancoske (Southern University at New Orleans)

  • Michael Wolf-Branigin (George Mason University)

The editorial advisory board also recognizes the following articles in three categories.

Best Conceptual Article
“Metaphors and the Pejorative Framing of Marginalized Groups: Implications for Social Work Education” (vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 29–46)

Gerald V. O’Brien (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)

Best Quantitative Empirical Article
“Understanding the Pathways of Factors Influencing the Use of Spiritually Based Interventions” (vol. 45, no 3, pp. 385–405) 

Connie L. Kvarfordt (University of Windsor)

Michael J. Sheridan(The Catholic University of America)

Best Qualitative Empirical Article
“Mapping Graduate Social Work Student Learning Journeys About Heterosexual Privilege” (vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 289–307) 

N. Eugene Walls (University of Denver), 

Rachel Griffin (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), 

Heather Arnold-Renicker (Center for Progressive Leadership, Washington, DC), 

Michael Burson (Judi’s House, Denver, CO),

Clare Johnston (Rape Assistance and Awareness Program, Denver, CO),

Nichole Moorman (Bridges Family Services, Denver, CO), 

Jenny Nelsen(Sound Mental Health, Bellevue, WA),

Elsa Campos Schutte (Calgary Family Services, Alberta, Canada)


Recipients will be presented with their awards at the Journal of Social Work Education Reviewers Reception on Saturday, October 16.


The Journal of Social Work Education Reviewers Reception is by invitation only and takes place at CSWE’s 2010 Annual Program Meeting.


CSWE annually recognizes the top reviewers for winter, spring/summer, and fall issues of each JSWE volume year at its Annual Program Meeting. The 2010 awardees have demonstrated excellence in giving authors quick and quality feedback. 

This year’s Best Articles published in the Journal of Social Work Educationexemplify important and timely content, originality of thought, innovative conceptualization of the topic, and presentation of conclusions and/or recommendations that add significantly to the professional knowledge base and to social work education. 

