For Immediate Release
Lydell Thomas
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Alexandria, VA, June 25, 2014 – The Council on Social Work Education is pleased to announce that Jared Bernstein, PhD, renowned economist and author, will be the 2014 Special Plenary speaker at the 60th Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Tampa, FL, on October 24. The title of his presentation is “Getting Back on Offense: Diagnoses and Prescriptions—What’s Gone Wrong and What Social Workers Can Do About It.”
Dr. Bernstein will discuss the inequality that has been caused by increased globalization, diminished unionization, technological changes, the decline in the real value of the minimum wage, regressive changes in the tax code, and financial deregulation. He will argue that nearly all of these are policy issues, which means that changing the situation will require changing policy.
Dr. Bernstein is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. From 2009 to 2011 he was chief economist and economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, executive director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class, and a member of President Obama’s economic team.
The APM is the preeminent annual meeting for social work educators, students, deans, and directors worldwide. Each year the APM brings together more than 2,500 individual members and more than 400 graduate and undergraduate programs of professional social work education. This year’s APM will be held October 23–26, 2014, in Tampa, FL.
“Dr. Bernstein will be an outstanding addition to the high quality of special plenary speakers we have had over the years,” said CSWE President Darla Spence Coffey. “The APM has provided exceptional educational content and dynamic speakers to our attendees, and Dr. Bernstein is sure to contribute a great deal to our annual meeting in Tampa this year."
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is a nonprofit national association representing more than 2,500 individual members, as well as graduate and undergraduate programs of professional social work education. Founded in 1952, this partnership of educational and professional institutions, social welfare agencies, and private citizens is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as the sole accrediting agency for social work education.