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CSWE to Award Three Members for Their Contributions to the Social Work Profession


For Immediate Release
Lydell Thomas
Marketing & Communications Manager


June 9, 2011 – Advisory

WHO: Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and its Board of Directors 
WHAT: will recognize:

1. Two 2011 CSWE Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education Award recipients 
o Trudy Festinger - honored for her leadership and research which has directly shaped most aspects of child welfare policy at federal and state levels and meaningfully changed direct practice in child welfare settings.
o Leon Ginsberg - recognized for his lifetime leadership roles in social work education and public service, especially child welfare, rural social services, and international social work

2. A Distinguished Recent Contributions in Social Work Education Award recipient

o Tricia B. Bent-Goodley - commended for her distinguished recent contributions in her commitment to advancing student development through her mentorship, scholarship and service.

WHEN: Thursday, October 27 during the Opening Ceremony of the 2011 Annual Program Meeting

WHERE: Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA

WHY: Both awards recognize the achievements of CSWE members, based on their research and scholarship, pedagogy, curriculum development, and organizational leadership.

Learn more about these three CSWE Awards and how awardees are nominated.
