Commission on Educational Policy (COEP) and
Commission on Accreditation (COA) are pleased to announce that the second draft of the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) is now available for public review, comment, and feedback. Thank you to the programs and educators who provided feedback on the first full draft. The results of the feedback on the first draft are available
In addition to feedback solicited from CSWE constituents, the 2022 EPAS Joint Committee reviewed educational policies and accreditation standards from other programmatic accreditors, as well as Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognition standards, to inform Draft 2. More information can be found on the
Draft 1 to Draft 2 Crosswalk.
The revision of EPAS is a years-long and collaborative process leading to a vote on the educational policy by the CSWE Board of Directors and a vote on the accreditation standards by the COA in 2022.
View the full timeline of the EPAS revision process. Providing feedback at this stage is imperative because this will be the last public comment period for the educational policy and accreditation standards.
The Joint Committee will solicit feedback a variety of constituents to inform the final draft of the 2022 EPAS. CSWE is committed to a comprehensive and thorough review process to develop a 2022 EPAS that reflects the excellence of social work education programs.
Interested parties can submit feedback on the second draft of the 2022 EPAS in the following ways:
- Submit feedback online by December 17, 2021, through this survey.
- Attend information and feedback sessions at CSWE’s 2021 Annual Program Meeting in Orlando, FL.
- An information and feedback session is scheduled for Saturday, November 6, at 1:00 PM (ET) in the Dolphin Building, 5th Level, Southern Hemisphere 5, Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort.
- A second information and feedback session is scheduled for Saturday, November 6, at 5:00 PM (ET) in the Dolphin Building, 5th Level, Southern Hemisphere 5, Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort.
Please visit the
2022 EPAS Web page for further information about the feedback process. For additional questions or technical assistance regarding the online survey, please contact CSWE at