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Resources for Disclosure Requirements

Nearly every state identifies degree programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education as meeting social work licensure education requirements and likely to meet the educational requirements leading to social work licensure. As of July 1, 2020, institutions receiving federal financial aid are required by regulations to disclose information about degree programs and students’ eligibility for professional licensure.
According to the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), postsecondary education programs must determine whether their curriculum meets the educational requirements of every state for a specific professional license. ASWB has resources that can help higher education institutions remain in compliance with the new regulations.

Self-service resources

To bridge the gap between higher education institutions and professional boards, ASWB has compiled information that lists the educational requirements for each category of licensure by state.
Institutions that wish to do their own research can access ASWB’s licensing and regulations database, which has links to each licensing board and contains all the licensure requirements for each category of licensure by state.

Fee-based consultation services

ASWB will provide consultation services to help schools gather the needed information efficiently. Services may include:
  • Providing an overview of social work licensure and regulation in the United States to help the institution determine the implications of 34 CFR §668.50.
  • Evaluating licensure requirements by state and comparing requirements to the program’s curriculum
  • Developing appropriate disclosure statements for use by the institution