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Key Takeaways from CSWE’s 2020 APM


More than 2,180 people registered for CSWE’s 66th Annual Program Meeting (APM) this year, beginning with a week of live education sessions and keynote speakers focused on the theme Leading Critical Conversations: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. 

In many ways, I believe this year's APM was the best yet. The research presented at APM this year was not only timely, addressing topics of diversityequity, and inclusion in a year where educators saw these conversations shift into the mainstream, but the mix of live and on-demand sessions will allow people to consume this content at their own pace,” said CSWE President and CEO Darla Spence Coffey, PhD, MSW. “We are so thankful for our attendees and sponsors for supporting the first-ever virtual APM.” 

Recordings of the 60 live sessions that aired November 1620 will be added to the library of more than 600 on-demand sessions that debuted during the live event. CSWE is also proud to say that more than 150 sessions qualify for continuing education credits 

One session from each of CSWE’s 40 APM tracks was presented live during the week as well as keynotes from all parts of academia.

Thank You to Our Platinum Sponsors! 

Quotable Keynotes 

Four keynote speakers punctuated this year’s critical conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion with remarkable presentations. These sessions are available on-demand; however, Professor Ibram X. Kendi’s presentation will not be available after December 2. 

Cindy Blackstock 

“Fall in love with the generation that will never know us.” 

“The reality is that all we’re asking for is culturally based equity for First Nations kids. That’s something that Canada already does for every other kid in the country. Why should there be any excuse for saying to a child that you get less because of your race?” 

Ibram X. Kendi

“If there’s any group of people that should be at the front lines of working toward social change, meaning power and policy change, why can’t it be social workers?” 

“All we can do is ensure we are teaching and executing an antiracist curriculum.... If we can train generations of social workers to ask antiracist questions and to have antiracist perspectives, that’s going to shield them from the consistent and constant misinformation.” 

“History doesn’t make itself. We make history. 

Laura Burney Nissen

“The future is here. The future is complicated and unpredictable in many ways. The future is unevenly distributed. In order to navigate that, we probably need new ways to operate and new ways to think about what is happening and what might happen next. Futures thinking and foresight practice provides that possible framework.”  

“Futures thinking and practice is about deepening and strengthening the ability to anticipate and imagine in new ways. To commit to reducing ‘short-term-ism’ in our immediate and extended circles of influence. Futures thinking can help us make better decisions by having a deeper commitment to exploring unintended consequences of different paths we might take or underdeveloped possibilities. 

Dexter Voisin

“To live in any society where a global hierarchy of superiority and inferiority is based on whiteness, sets up white supremacy as the norm. This is the default drive which we have been born into and the default drive in which social work has been operating.” 

“Social work has had a very complicated history of enacting social change, but also enacting social control, and at times, unintendedly, being agents of the status quo.”